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Show 1897.] ON CORALS F R O M THE S.W. PACIFIC OCEAN. 941 I have conferred on it the name of the Bev. A. E. Eaton, by whom the Algerian species was discovered. Eatonla plumlfera, Birula, and E. co pullfera, Cambr., may be thus distinguished:- Body slightly broader in front than behind ; nasal prominence furnished with but few spiniform hairs; rostrum devoid of terminal spine E. plumlfera. Body heart-shaped, much broadest in front; nasal prominence furnished with numerous long spiniform hairs of different lengths ; rostrum armed with a long terminal, sharp-pointed, spiny process E. scopuliferu. EXPLANATION OF PLATE LV. Fig. 1. Eatonia scopulifera, sp. n., greatly enlarged. 2. Ditto, in profile, less enlarged. 3. Ditto, front view. These two figures (2 & 3) show tbe mode in which the posterior legs are carried. 4. Underside of caput, greatly enlarged, showing genital aperture, mouth-parts, and palpi. 5. Upperside of caput, showing eyes, nasiform process, and palpi. 4. O n some Collections of Corals of the Family Pocillo-porida? from the S.W. Pacific Ocean. By J. S T A N L EY G A R D T N E R , B.A., Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge 1. [Eeceived November 1,1897.] (Plates LVI. & LVII.) The corals described were collected by the author in 1896-7 at Funafuti, Botuma, and Fiji, and by Dr. A. Willey at Lifu, Loyalty Islands. I am indebted to Mr. Adam Sedgwick, F.B.S., for entrusting the latter collection to me and for his kindly interest; m y thanks are also due to the authorities of the British Museum for allowing m e free access to their types and to the 'Challenger'specimens. The species represented in these collections are 21, viz. 20 Pocil-lopora and 1 Seriutoporu. Of the former 5 are new, and it has been necessary to redescribe 4 old species. The comparison of the collection with specimens in the British Museum has showTn me that several species of Verrill, Dana, and others are not really distinct and must be combined with other species. 1 Communicated by Mr. W . BATESON, F.E.S., F.Z.S |