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Show 1897.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA OF AFRICA. 565 joints metallic blue, the rest pubescent, the third joint one-half longer than the second, half the length of the fourth joint; thorax strongly transverse, much widened at the middle, the sides slightly rounded as well as the anterior angles, the latter thickened, with the setiferous pore placed below the angle, posterior margin rounded and produced at the middle, the surface with some extremely minute punctures, only visible under a strong lens; scutellum broad, impunctate; elytra very elongate, parallel, finely but distinctly and very closely punctured: underside less metallic, clothed with greyish pubescence; legs slender; all the tibiae mucronate; the first joint of the posterior tarsi much longer than the following joints together ; claws appendiculate; anterior coxal cavities open. Hab. Cameroons. I have received two specimens of this large-sized species from Dr. Kraatz of Berlin. LUPERUS WEISEI, n. sp. Piceous, above testaceous; thorax subquadrate, scarcely perceptibly punctured ; elytra extremely closely and finely punctate. Length li line. Elongate and parallel; the head impunctate, fulvous or testaceous, frontal elevations transverse, rather broad ; clypeus strongly raised, triangular, its apex between the antennae rather broad ; antennae extending to about the middle of the elytra, black, the lower three joints and the base of the fourth flavous, basal joint curved at the base, second scarcely shorter than the third joint, the others more elongate, pubescent; thorax scarcely one-half broader than long, the sides rounded before the middle, narrowed at the base, the posterior margin obliquely rounded at the angles, the surface extremely minutely and closely punctured ; scutellum triangular ; elytra wider at the base than the thorax, subcylindrical, very closely and scarcely more strongly punctured than the thorax : underside piceous ; legs fulvous, rather robust; the tibiae mucronate ; the first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the following three joints together; claws appendiculate, the anterior coxal cavities open. Hab. Mashonaland (67. Marshall). LUPERUS INCONSPICUUS, n. sp. Head, antennae, the underside, and legs black; thorax subquadrate, impunctate, obscure testaceous, spotted with fuscous ; elytra very finely and closely punctured, obscure testaceous or fuscous. Length 2 lines. Elongate and parallel; the head broad, entirely impunctate and very finely granulate, black; the frontal tubercles transverse, strongly developed, bounded behind by a deep groove ; the clypeus raised, impunctate, black, edged with testaceous; labrum pale; the antennae extending to the middle of the elytra, black, slender, the |