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Show 238 MR. M. .IACOBY ON THE [Feb. 2, 2. Further Contributions to the Knowledge of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Africa, including Madagascar. By M A R T I N JACOBY, F.E.S. PART I. [Beceived January 5, 1897.] (Plate XVH.) Since my last papers on African Phytophaga in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London for 1895 and in the 'Deutsche entom. Zeitschrift' of the same year, a good deal of new material has come into m y hands. M. Alluaud, of Paris, has kindly submitted to m e tbe Madagascar species obtained by him, which, as the number of species was not large, I have included here, although the fauna of Madagascar has little in common with that of Africa, wdiile M r . G u y Marshall has been busy collecting in Natal and Mashonaland with good results; and although not much is gained for science, in m y opinion, by continuing to add new species to the already enormous material known andunknowrn, it is to be hoped that one day w e shall be enabled to work out a Biologia of the country now, under investigation, as has been done in the case of Central America with such splendid results by Messrs. Godman and Salvin. The present paper deals only with the Crlocerlnce, Cryptocephallna>, and Clythrlnce; the other families I hope to deal with in a future paper. Types of all the species are contained in m y collection and in that of the British Museum. LEMA PRINCEPS, n. sp. Bufous; the antennas (the basal joints excepted) and the tarsi black; thorax foveolate at the sides ; elytra metallic bright blue or violaceous, deeply foveolate below the base, strongly punctate-striate. Length 3| lines. Head impunctate, bituberculate between the eyes, the clypeus and labrum black ; antennae long and slender, black, the lower five joints rufous, the fourth joint one-half longer than the third one, the fifth very elongate ; thorax not longer than broad, the sides moderately constricted, rather strongly produced above the constriction, the base wdth a deep transverse sulcus, a small transverse fovea is also placed immediately above the constriction at the sides, the disc with two rows of punctures at the middle, some other punctures also placed near the anterior angles ; scutellum fulvous, not longer than broad ; elytra with a deep depression below the base near the suture, bright metallic blue, strongly punctate-striate, the punctures slightly elongate and distinct to the apex, the interstices at the latter place strongly costate, the others flat and smooth |