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Show 146 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [Jan. 19, face silvery. Thorax dark bronzy brown. Fore wings dark bronzy brown, with two narrow transverse fascia?, the one before^ the other scarcely beyond the middle, and a short dorsal streak from the anal angle shining silvery metallic, a strong snow-white spot running through the costal cilia; cilia bronzy brown. Exp. al. 7-5 mm. Hind wings and cilia slightly paler bronzy brown. Abdomen purplish fuscous. Legs brownish: the tarsal joints broadly banded with whitish ; two small white spots at the end of the tibia?. Type, 3 Mus. Hedemann. Hah. West Indies-ST. T H O M A S , 10 IV. (Hedemann). Unique. This species cannot be referred with certainty to Lithocolletis as the underside of the head is injured in pinning. 224. LITHOCOLLETIS DESMODIELLA, Clem. = GREGARIELLA, Mrt.10 Lithocolletis desmodiella, Clem. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sc, Phil. X L 318, 319, 320 (1859)*j Stn. Tin. N . A m . pp. xiii, 37, 63, 65, 68 (1872)2; Chamb. Can. Ent, III. 127, 162 (1871) 3 : V. 47 (1873)4: F.&B. Stett. Ent. Ztg. XXXVII. 227 (1876)'; Chamb. Bull. U.S. G.G. Surv. IV. 110 6, 154 (1878) 7: Jr. Cin. Soc. N.H. II. 189-90 (1880) 8. Lithocolletis gregariella, Mrt. Can. Ent. XIII. 245-6 (1881) 9. Lithocolletis desmodiella, Wlsm. Tr. A m . Ent. Soc. X. 202 (1882)10: Ins. Life, II. 119 (1889)u: III. 328. No. 52 (1891)12; Rilev, Smith's List Lep. Bor. A m . 108. No. 5850 (1891)13. Hah. U N I T E D STATES1"13. Larva, INF. Desmodium vlrldlflorum 1'5'11, spp. 3'6'8; Phasceolus pauclflorus*x\ sp.8, VII. -IX.1"35. Imago, spring9; midsummer9. West Indies - ST. THOMAS, 11 III.-10 IV. (Gudmann, Hedemann); Larva, Centrosema vlr-glnlanum (Gudmann). Bred by Mr. Gudmann and Baron von Hedemann from larva? feeding on Centrosema vlrglnlanum. 225. LITHOCOLLETIS ARGENTIFRONTELLA, sp. n. Antennce brownish, faintly annulated. Palpi pale saffron. Head and face shining silvery white, the head with a saffron spot behind the white tuft, Thorax pale saffron. Fore wings pale saffron, with four transverse white fascia?, slenderly dark-margined internally : the first before the middle, slightly curved outwards, the second at the middle, straight, the third at the commencement of the costal cilia tending inwards to the dorsum, the fourth a little before the apex running through the cilia, which are saffron beyond it at the apex but greyish before it on the dorsum. Exp. al. 5 m m . Hind wings and cilia pale greyish. Abdomen greyish. Legs white, with pale saffron annulations. Type, 3 Mus. Hedemann. TwHoa bs.p ecWiemsetn s.I ndies-ST. T H O M A S , 11 I1I.-2 IV. (Hedemann). |