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Show 98 LORD WALSINGHAM O N [Jan. 19, fuscous with a slight purplish tinge. Fore wings greyish fuscous with a slight purplish tinge ; a very faint indication of a dark spot at the end of the cell; cilia the same. Exp. al. 23-25 mm. Hind icings and cilia greyish brown. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs greyish, spurs and tarsi slightly paler. Tgpe, 3 2 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-GRENADA (Balthazar, 250 ft., windward side, 1 IV.-4 V.; Mount Gay Estate, 300 ft., leeward side, 25 VIII.-10 IX.-H. H. Smith). Seven specimens. This species differs from audax, Wlsm., in the absence of a distinct humeral angle on the costa at the base of the fore wdngs. This seems to be also absent in the female of audax, and it is possible that this may turn out to be a characteristic of the females of both species, or that the single female of audax has been wrongly identified, but I have not sufficient material to decide this point. 32. ANTCEOTRICHA, Z. 106. ANTJEOTRICHA SUFEUMIGATA, sp. n. Antennce smoky white. Palpi recurved, slender, apical joint nearly as long as the second; white. Head and face white. Thorax smoky white in front, paler posteriorly. Fore wings elongate, subovate ; shining white, the extreme costa delicately shaded with smoky brown and also the dorsal third of the wing from the base below the fold and beyond it to the termen above the tornus ; cilia white. Exp. cd. i6-20 mm. Hind wings and cilia pale smoky greyish ; 3 with long brush of greyish hairs from base of costa. Abdomen smoky wdiite. Legs white. Type, 3 2 Mus. Wlsm. Hab. West Indies-GRENADA (Balthazar, 250 ft., windward side, 15 III.-30 IV.; Mount Gay Estate, 300 ft., leeward side, 1-5 X.-H. H. Smith). Six specimens. 107. ANTCEOTRICHA TIBIALIS, Z. Antceotricha tibialis, Z. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. XIII. 307-Pl. III. 90 (1877) \ Hab. West Indies-TRINIDAD (Schaus, Urlch; Port of Spain, Hart). BRAZIL (?)l. 108. ANTCEOTRICHA GRISEANA, F. = * WALCHIANA, Z. (nee Cram.) 8. Pyralls griseana, F. Ent. Syst. 111.(2)265. No. 96 (1794)T Turton, Syst. Nat. III. 352 (1806)2. Stenoma grlseanum, Z. Is. 1839, 1953. Antceotricha walchiana, Z. Lin. Ent. IX 391-PL III. 29-30 (1854)4. Pyralls griseana, Z. Lin. Ent. IX. 393 (1854)5. Antceotricha walchiana, Wkr. Cat. Lp. Ins. B.M. XXIX. 773 (1864)6. Antceotricha griseana, Z. (partim) Hor. Soc. Ent' Ross. XIII. 315 (1877)7; Wlsm. & Drnt. Merton Rules 12 |