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Show 456 REV. H. S. G O R H A M ON N E W COLEOPTERA [MAY 4, 22. TRAGELAPHUS SYLVATICUS. I have also sent home some skins and skulls of the Bush-buck which is plentiful round here. The male strikes me as particularly dark, though I expect it is nothing more than a local variety. The body-skin of the specimen of wdiich I have sent the skull and neck-skin was inadvertently omitted. It is much darker than the one marked no. 1 and has not the vestige of a stripe or spot. I have seen one or two other old males, which appeared, to me to be much darker still, almost black. 23. OREAS CANNA LIVINGSTONII. The Eland is very scarce here since the cattle-plague of 1890. Capt. Sclater, R.E., tells me he saw a small herd on the southern slopes of Wonga (=Mt.) Longonot near Naivasha. I observed the fresh spoor of a single Eland near Njemps in September last. 4. Descriptions of new Species of Coleoptera of the Family Endomychidce from the Eastern Hemisphere. By the Rev. H. S. GORHAM, F.Z.S. [Received March 4, 1897.] (Plate XXXII.) The specimens of Coleoptera of the family Endomychidse, of it is the object of this paper to give some account, are contained in various collections. A good many are due to the persistent collecting of Mr. Doherty in the East. Some have been known to me for many years, but the material was not sufficient for their description. Among the more interesting, I may call attention to a new Cym-hachus, two new and very distinct Eucteanl, and the very curious Amphlsternl. All the species here described are Oriental; and the descriptions may be regarded as supplemental to my papers on the Erotylidse and Endomychidse collected by Signor Pea in Burma, published in the Annals of the Genoa Museum. AMPHISTERNUS VERRUCOSUS, n. sp. (Plate XXXII. fig. 3.) Niger, subopacus, prothorace transverso subcordato, medio elytrls depressiusculls humeris late carinatis, confiuenterpunctatls, singulis tuberculls cluobus subcarinatls, basall picescenti, uno discoldall piceo, punctoque subapicall lucido, Icete fiavo, ornatls ; femorum clava rufa. Long. millim. J 2 - Mas: tlbiis anticis infra medium dente valldo armatis. Hab. JAVA (Friihstorfer, Mus. Brussels). Antennas very stout, their third joint as long as the two basal joints united, the fourth to the eighth fusiform, becoming shorter, the club long and lax, the two apical joints a little wider than long; eyes compressed and kidney-shaped. Head opaque. Thorax at the widest part twice as wide as the length, very much widened |