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Show 1897.] WEST-INDIAN MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA. 115 is attached to the side before the anterior end; this thread is trifurcate, one strand going downwards, the other two strands passing around the cocoon and uniting to form a loop at about one-fourth from the anterior extremity. These three strands and their stem appear to be spun first; the upper one probably passes round the whole cocoon and is attached to the loop before mentioned, and on these as a foundation the cross-threads, which traverse the cocoon obliquely, are probably spun, but this can only be determined from observing the habits of the spinning larva. In the Oxford Museum specimen the pupa is protruded from the upper extremity between the loop, which makes it difficult to understand for what purpose the neck at the anal extremity is constructed. The cocoons of a species of Trichostibas are figured hanging from branches in ' The Standard Natural History,' published by Cassino & Co., of Boston, Mass. I have only a separate copy of the article " Heterocera," by Professor Fernald, so I am unable to quote the volume-the " Fig. 557.-Cocoons of a Brazilian Tineid," occurs on p. 438, but I cannot find that it is noticed in the text. As Bates collected Trichostibas fumosa on the Amazons, there are probably specimens in the British Museum, and if Walker described them he would be most likely to locate the species in the Llthosladce. 145. TRICHOSTIBAS CALLIGERA, Z. Trichostibas calligera, Z. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. XIII. 231-2 (1877) l; Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 533, 547 (1892)2. Hab. West Indies-QUBA1,2. 146. TRICHOSTIBAS OVATA, Z. Trichostibas ovata, Z. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. XIII. 233 (1877) Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 533, 547 (1892)2. Hab. West Indies-CUBA1 2. 147. TRICHOSTIBAS SORDIDATA, Z. Trichostibas sordidata, Z. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. XIII. 233-4 (1877) l; Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 534, 547 (1892)2. Hab. West Indies-PORTORICO 12. 148. TRICHOSTIBAS ? IOPHLEBIA, Z. Trichostibas iophlebia, Z. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. XIII. 228-9, Pl. III. 69 (1877) \ Trichostibas ? iophlebia, Wlsm. Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1891, 534, 547 (1892)2. Hah. West Indies-ANTILLES1,2. 149. TRICHOSTIBAS ? PALLIDICOSTELLA, sp. n. Antennce blackish. Palpi short, slender, not projecting beyond the face, apical joint as long as the second ; black. Head and thorax pale mouse-grey. Fore wings dark mouse-grey, the costa whitish grey throughout; cilia whitish grey, shading to dark 8* |