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Show 1897.] PHYTOPHAGOUS C O L E O P T E R A O P AFRICA. 561 a narrow impressed line but without punctures ; scutellum twice as broad as long; elytra as broad as the thorax at the base, elongate and pointed posteriorly, regularly impressed with round but not deep punctures, the interstices finely granulate and flat; posterior femora extremely strongly incrassate, aeneous ; tibias and tarsi dark fulvous, the four posterior tibiae with a strong tooth. Hab. Mashonaland (67. Marshall). A single specimen in the Museum collection. This is another species of elongate posteriorly-pointed shape, distinguished by the long antennae and their colour, and by the finely granulate and punctured thorax and similarly sculptured elytra. C. longicornis, Jac, from Natal has the antennas still much longer and of different colour and the elytra! interstices costate at the sides. CH^TOCNEMA ANTENNATA, n. sp. Oblong, dark aeneous, lower joints of the antennae fulvous ; thorax finely punctured, not granulate ; elytra closely punctate-striate, the interstices longitudinally convex; tibiae and tarsi obscure dark fulvous. Length jj line. Head broad, extremely finely but evenly and remotely punctured, with a fine oblique groove at each side, frontal elevations absent; antennae not extending to the middle of the elytra, black, the lower four joints fulvous, the basal joint black above, the second also stained with black, scarcely shorter than the third and fourth joints, terminal joints slightly thickened, the last one more elongate ; thorax more than twice as broad as long, the sides nearly straight, not narrowed towards the apex, the surface closely and finely punctured, the punctures of equal size, the interstices shining, the basal margin accompanied by a row of slightly larger punctures but without impressed line ; scutellum broader than long; elytra * with regular rows of deep and closely-placed punctures, those near the suture more confused ; the interstices smooth and impunctate, longitudinally costate at the side: underside and the femora obscure aeneous; breast and abdomen finely punctured; prosternum longitudinally sulcate. Hah. Mashonaland (67. Marshall). British Museum collection and m y own. A small species with comparatively short antennae and non-granulate upper surface. The antennae in some specimens are nearly entirely black, but generally the third and following two joints are fulvous. CH2ETOCNEMA SUBQUADRATA, n. sp. Ovately subquadrate, black; head impunctate ; thorax extremely finely and obsoletely punctured ; elytra strongly punctate-striate, with smooth and shining interstices; legs nearly black. Length ^ line. Head entirely impunctate, with a small depression above each |