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Show 230 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [Feb. 2, 5. BANA MICRODISCA, Bttgr. Rana microdisca, Boettg. Ber. Offenb. Ver, Nat. 1892, p. 137, and in Semon, Zool. Forsch. pl. v. fig. 2 (1894). Described from the mountains of Java, this small Frog was soon after recorded from Mentawi, south of Sumatra (Boulenger, Ann. Mus. Genova, 2, xiv. 1894, p. 616), and Celebes (Midler). The first Celebes specimen was obtained in the Bone Mts. by the Drs. Sarasin, and was compared with the type by Prof. Boettger. A second specimen is from Tomohon. R. microdisca is closely allied to the two preceding and the following species, but is well distinguished by its extremely long hind limbs, the tibio-tarsal articulation reaching far beyond the tip of the snout, and the tibia measuring two-thirds the length of head and body. The toes are incompletely webbed, the last three phalanges of the fourth being nearly entirely free ; the extremity of the fifth toe extends a little beyond the second subarticular tubercle of the fourth toe. No dermal fringe along the outer border of the fifth toe. First fiuger extending considerably beyond second. Upper parts with small smooth warts ; no dorso-lateral fold. Olive above, with or without a pair of light dorsal stripes; a dark cross-bar between the eyes ; upper lip wdth dark vertical bars; limbs with regular dark cross-bars; yellowish beneath, throat marbled wdth brown ; lower lip dark brown, with regular white interruptions. 6. BANA PALAVANENSIS, Blgr. Rana palavanensis, Bouleng. Ann. & Mag. N . H . (6) xiv. 1894, p. 85. Vomerine teeth in two short oblique series commencing on a line with the hinder edge of the choanae. Head moderate, as long as broad ; snout short, rounded, as long as the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis angular; loreal region slightly concave ; nostril equidistant from the orbit and the end of the snout; interorbital space as broad as or a little narrower than the upper eyelid ; tympanum distinct, three-fifths the diameter of the eye. Fingers moderate, the tips swollen or dilated into very small disks ; first finger extending slightly beyond secoud ; toes moderate, two-thirds webbed, the tips dilated into small but very distinct disks ; subarticular tubercles moderate; inner metatarsal tubercle elliptical, flat, measuring two-fifths or one-half the length of the inner toe; no outer metatarsal tubercle ; no tarsal fold. Tibio-tarsal articulation reaching the tip of the snout or beyond; tibia as long as or a little shorter than the fore limb. Skin nearly smooth; posterior half of upper eyelids warty; a fold from the eye to the shoulder; a narrow' glandular dorso-lateral fold, beginning behind the upper eyelid, above the supratemporal fold. Brown or greyish brown above ; sides of snout below the canthi blackish or dark grey, with some more or less distinct dark vertical bars on the lip; supratemporal and dorso-lateral folds |