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Show 208 MR G. B. SOWERBY ON NEW SPECIES OF SHELLS. [Mar. 20, L. lata, Smith, R?p. on the Lamellibr. of the 'Challenger.' L. tahitensis, Smith, ibid. L. torresiana, Smith, ibid. IJ. confusa, Smith, ibid. L. laminifera, Smith, ibid. L. dunkeri, Smith, =japonica, Dunker, not of A. Adams, Sowerby, Conch.Icon. 1872. MALLETIA ANGULATA, sp. nov. (Plate XI. fig. 15.) M. testa oblonga, compressiuscula, valde incequilatera, epidermide cornea, nitida induta, ; antice breviuscula, postice elongata. Margo dorsi posticus rectus angulatus, auriculatus. Margo ventralis antice oblique arcuatus, postice sinuatus. Umbones leviter prominentes, acutiusculi. Cardine rectilineo, angusto, dentibus numerosis minutis instructo. Ligamentum longum ungustissimum, nigro-fuscum. Diarn. antero-post. 26, umbono-marg. 14 millim. Hab. Bay of Bengal, 200 fath. Of the few species known of this rare genus, the present is one of the most striking. It is distinguished from its congeners chiefly by the remarkable sinuosity of the posterior side, forming an angular auricle at the dorsal margin, and a broad lobe at the posterior extremity. The hinge is the same as in other species of the genus. CYPR^EA HUNGERFORDI, sp. nov. (Plate XI. figs- 1-3.) C. testa pyriformi, solida, lata, depressiuscula, politissima, parte dorsali griseo interruptim trifasciata, maculis minutis, pallidis, fuscis, confluentibus lentiginosa ; spira immersa, conca-viuscula, inconspicua ; lateribus lalis, basibusque flavescente lacteis, maculis fuscis, numerosis, rotundatis, superne marginatis; basi concaviuscula ; margine columellari 20, concoloribus, parvis, tenuiter productis, basalibus majoribus, obliquis, instructo; margine externo superne incurvo, dentibus 24, brevibus, regu-laribus munito. Long. 39, diam. 24, alt. 19 millim. Hab. Japan ? This shell (which is in perfect condition) was purchased in Japan some years ago by Dep.-Surgeon-General R. Hungerford, but he had no guarantee that it was taken in Japanese waters, and, so far as I know, no other specimen has been discovered. It is a species not likely to be confounded with any other. It is pyriform but rather depressed, and quite unlike C. pgriformis ; the greyish bands crossing the back give the idea of a young shell that has not got its full colouring, but its sides are thickly enamelled, showing it to be thoroughly adult. The spots bordering the lateral enamel are unusually high towards the back of the shell, leaving the margins and base of a plain cream-colour. COLUMBELLA FILBYI, sp. nov. (Plate XI. figs. 8, 9.) C. testa fusiformi, fusca; maculis albidis irregulariter aspersa |