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Show 3/6 MR. H. w. BATES O N [June 19- POPILIA INDIGONACEA, Motschulsky, Etud. Entom. 1853, p. 47. A few examples only were taken, at Gensan. Kolbe records it as found commonly by Dr. Gottsche on the western side of Korea. Originally described from examples taken near Peking. It is scarcely more than a local var. of P. cyanea, Hope. POPILIA ATROCJERULEA, n. sp. P. indigonacese similis, sed convexior, elytris basi angustioribus pygidioque albo - bifasciculato. Ceerulescenti-nigra, thorace toto (disco posteriore subtilius) punctato ; elytris prope basin haud profunde rugoso-foveatis, interstitio basi confuse multipunctato et rugoso, versus apicem punctis multo paucioribus, delude usque ad callum humeralem striis punctulatis 4 mediocriter impressis ; pygidio transversim posteriore sparsius) punclulato-rugoso; processu sternali et obtusiore ; corpore subtus nigro, nitido. Long. 11-13 millim. Var. Elytris utrinque macula magna triangulari (versus apicem minusve extensa) fulvo-castanea. Gensan and Fusan ; a very large number of examples. The white pubescent spots of the pygidium distinguish this species from P. indigonacea and cyanea, more conspicuously than the narrower base and more convex surface of the elytra. P. ccerulea (Bohem.) of Hong Kong (recurring in Formosa in numerous colour-varieties) is a much smaller insect (10j millim.), and distinguished by the very deep foveae near the base of the elytra, the much deeper striae, and the short and almost uniseriate puncture-row of the second interstice. Of the variety there are several examples (from Fusan) in Mr. Leech's collection ; others, with the castaneous spot clearer and larger, were taken by A. Adams, either in Korea or on the coast of Manchuria a little farther north. Von Heyden records P. adamas, Newm., from Korea ; but this is an Indian species, widely different from the above, having white pubescence, partly lying in a broad groove, on the sides of the thorax. POPILIA BOGDANOWI, Ballion, Bull. Moscou, 1870, iv. p. 345. A small species (9-1 Oi millim.), taken at Gensan ; agrees very well with the above-cited description. It is closely allied and similar to the Javan P. biguttata (Wiedm.), and like that species destitute of foveae near the base of the elytra. ADORETUS TENUIMACULATUS, Waterhouse, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1875, p. 112. Gensan. Common in Japan. Fam. CETONIID-E. G L Y C Y P H A N A CUPREOLA, Kraatz, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr. 1879, p. 243 et seq. A series of examples from Gensan, differing little amongst themselves in form, colour, or sculpture, though considerably in pubescence, |