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Show 302 MR. W. WARREN ON LEPIDOPTERA [June 5, R. indica, to belong to the genus Rhizogramma ; whereas, in fact, we examine the palpi, R. inextricata is very widely separated from R. indica. It comes, indeed, very much nearer Amphipyra. Mr. Butler thinks it will form the type of a distinct genus of the Cucullidce. 42. RHIZOGRAMMA INDICA. (NO. 131.) Xylophasia indica, Wlk. Cat. Lep. Het. B. M . xxxii. p. 647. One female, taken " at sallow-bloom," Thundiani, May 2, 1887. The fact of a female being taken at sallow-bloom in spring would rather betoken relationship to the Xylinidce than to the Xylopha-siidce. The specimen is accompanied by the remark "one of the commonest moths at sugar." In all probability this remark refers to R. inextricata. Family APAMEID^E. 43. MAMESTRA BRASSIC_E. (Nos. 134 & 168.) Phalcena-Noctua brassica, L. S. N. i. p. 576. Two females, four males, from Thundiani, August and October 1886. 44. MAMESTRA STOLICZK.E. (NO. 168.) Mamestra stoliczkce, Feld. Reis. Nov. pi. 109. fig. 32 ; Moore, P. Z.S. 1881, p. 347. Four specimens, all males, from Thundiani, August and September 1886. Mr. Moore says it is nearest to serratilinea (!), and quotes as other localities, Dalhousie, N.W. Himalayas, and the Sind valley, Kaschmir. 45. MAMESTRA NIGERRIMA, sp. n. (No. 113.) Fore wings deep blackish brown, with all the markings very obscure ; the margins of the orbicular and claviform stigmata just visibly darker, the latter also sometimes filled up with black ; the reniform stigma contains two minute white dots at its lower end, and one ochreous one at its upper end ; a faint pale submarginal line, and three or four pale costal dots before the apex. Hind wings dark fuscous, slightly paler in the male ; head, face, and thorax black-brown, as are the tips of the abdominal tufts; the abdomen itself fuscous. Underside dull ochreous, speckled with dark grey; the fore wing has a pale straw-coloured or ochreous patch near the base of the inner margin ; both wings with a narrow, curved, darker band; hind wing with a central spot besides. Expanse of wings 48-50 millim. Two females and four males, August 1886, from Thundiani. Allied to M. chalybeata, Moore, but much blacker; also resembling M. dolorosa, Wlk., but the white dots are confined to the costa. |