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Show 200 MR. w. R. OGILVIE-GRANT O N T H E [Mar, 6, 55. MACROPYGIA RUFOCASTANEA. Macropygia rufocastanea, Ramsay ; Salvad. t. c. in. p. 149- «. 2 ad. Aola, Guadalcanar ; 5.6.87. Bill black ; legs red ; iris orange. b. $imm. Aola, Guadalcanar; 10. 6. 87- Bill black; legs red ; iris brown. c. 2 ad. Aola, Guadalcanar; 24. 6. 87. Bill black ; legs dull pink ; iris reddish brown. These specimens agree well with Ramsay's description of the species, the adults exhibiting the curious bifid feathers of the upper breast and sides of the neck and reminding one of certain species of Ptilopus. The young birds do not exhibit this peculiarity, and as the black bases of the feathers are hidden, the breast is a uniform deep cinnamon-rufous, instead of having the appearance of being spotted with black. The male which came in Mr. Woodford's first collection (see P. Z. S. 1887, p. 332) is not an adult but a young bird. 56. PHLOGf-ENAS SOLOMONENSIS, Sp. U. «. 8 ad. Aola, Guadalcanar; 17-8.87- Bill black; legs carmine ; iris brown. Forehead dark ashy grey ; back and sides of the neck ashy black ; occiput, middle of the neck (paler), back, rump, greater wing- and tail-coverts, and outer secondary quills dark chocolate washed with purple. Lesser and median wing-coverts dark glossy purple. Rest of the quills dark brown and tail-feathers dark brown washed with chocolate-maroon, except the outer three on each side, which are darker and terminated by a light reddish band. Cheeks, throat, and breast dull ashy grey, becoming lighter towards the belly and succeeded by a zone of iridescent dark brown feathers. Rest of the belly and under tail-coverts chalky reddish brown. Axillaries and under wing-coverts dark brown, the latter with a few light red feathers. Quills and tail-feathers below dark brown; the upper edge of the inner web of the primaries and the ends of the tail-feathers reddish. This species, though nearly allied to P. johannce, Sclater (P. Z. S. 1877, p. 112, pi. xvi.), is altogether a darker bird, the latter having the breast whitish grey, and the occiput, back, &c. washed with olive instead of purple. No doubt Mr. Ramsay is correct in his supposition that P. johannce, the types of which are before me, comes neither from the Solomon Islands nor N e w Hebrides, but was obtained by the Rev. G. Brown in New Britain, whence specimens have since been brought. P. solomonensis 8 P. johannce, types \ Q Culmen. Wing. in. in. •75 45 •68 4-4 '67 4-35 Tail. Tarsus. in. in. 2-4 11 2-8 1-0 2-8 1-0 |