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Show 648 MR. J. H. LEECH ON THE [Dec. 18, its inner edge about the middle, and one on its external edge above the middle; the lower half is bordered on each side by a black line and at the inner marginal extremity is a bright red spot. Secondaries with some irregular silver outlined ferruginous markings along the abdominal margin and outer half of wing. Antennas pectinated. Head white ; thorax and abdomen white, marked with ferruginous and grey. Under surface white, with a blackish central band and apical spot, the former not reaching the costa, and the latter elongated, some blackish marks along outer margin of secondaries. Expanse 48 millim. A single specimen taken at Gensan in July by myself. 323. CALLICILIX ABRAXATA. Callicilix abraxata, Butl. Cist. Ent. iii. p. 124 (1885). Yesso, Nikko (Pryer). 324. DREPANA SCABIOSA. Drepana scabiosa, Butl. Ann. h Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) xx. p. 478 (1877) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. pt. ii. p. 15, pl. xxv. fig. 9 (1878). A nice series, coll. Pryer. I caught one specimen at Shimonoseki in May. This species is very closely allied to D. harpagula, Esp. ( = sicula, Hiibn.) ; but the apices are much less produced and there is no black angulated line internal to the grey submarginal stripe. The discal spots of D. scabiosa are, moreover, of a different character. Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer); Oiwake (Pryer) ; Shimonoseki (Leech); Corea (Herz). 325. DREPANA PATRANA. Drepana patrana, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 816. This is no. 245 of Pryer's catalogue, and there were three examples in his collection. Fujisan, Nikko, Oiwake (Pryer) ; Darjeeling. 326. DREPANA PALLEOLUS. Drepanulidesl palleolus, Motsch. Bull, de la Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. t. xxxix. p. 193 (1866). I took a large number of this species at Hakodate in August, and my native collector got a few in June and July at the same place, I have also one example from Hakone, aird there were nine in coll. Pryer. Hakodate (Leech) ; Hakone (Smith) ; Oiwake, Fujisan, Ohoyama, and Yesso (Pryer). 327. DREPANA JAPONICA. Drepana japonica, Moore, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) xx. p. 94. V ' Several specimens, coll. Pryer. I took an example at Nagasaki in |