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Show 566 MR. G. B. SOWERBY ON N E W SHELLS FROM [Dec. 18, specimens brought by Dr. Hungerford, one is less closely than the others, and is a trifle larger than the type, of which the dimensions are given above; while the two others are considerably smaller. The spiral sulci on the upper whorls, and on the upper part of the last whorl, are interrupted by the longitudinal ribs, while those towards the base cross them obliquely. The painting consists principally of three broad bands of yellowish buff and brown, and the two larger specimens exhibit a line of the lighter colour interrupted by the ribs, situated a little above the middle of the body-whorl. MITRA BRION.E, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. figs. 3, 4.) Testa fusiformis, solidiuscula ; spira acuminata, turrita, ad apicem acuta ; anfractus 9, convexiusculi, longitudinaliter costati, haud profundis superne sculpti, primi 4-5 nigro-fusco suffusi, sequentes fulvo-fusci, albo unifasciati, interdum fusco bilineati; costis (in anfr. ult., penult, et antepenult.) superne angulatis; anfr. ultimus mediocriter elongatus, zona lata viridescenti-fusca cinctus, angulatus, supra angulum levissime concavus, basin versus leviter attenuatus, vix recurvatus, oblique sulcatus; costis ad angulum latis conspicuis, deinde evanidis ; apertura mediocriter lata, intus lirata; labrum leviter incrassatum, politum, nigro-fuscum ; columella incequaliter quadrip/icata. Long. 37, maj. diam. 13; apert. longa 20, maj. lat. 4 millim. Hab. Port Blair, Andaman Island. A pretty species of the "Turricula" section, and allied to M. vul-pecu/ a and M. corrugata, but evidently distinct. The three specimens collected by Dr. Hungerford are all characterized by a brown belt with a greenish tinge, surmounted by a narrow white band. MITRA MILLEPUNCTATA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. figs. 5, 6.) Testa oblongo-ovata, utrinque acuminata ; spira parviuscula, acuta; sutura impressa; anfractus 7-8, convexi ; liris numerosis sub-nodulosis, lira minore intercurrente spiraliter sculpti, longitudinaliter inconspicue sulcati, maculis minutis fuscis, multiseriatim dispositis omati; anfractus ultimus subventricosus, fulvo bifasciatus, basin versus leviter contractus, haud recurvatus; apertura mediocriter lata, labium crenulatum, columella incequaliter sex-plicata. Long. 24, maj. diam. 9 ; apert. longa 1 5, maj. lat. 3| millim. Hab. Port Blair, Andaman Island. An exquisite little species of the "Scabricula" section, with a shorter spire than others of the group ; the spiral ridges are numerous and very slightly nodulous, with a very fine (in some cases duplicate) ridge running between. The painting consists of numerous minute brown spots and two rather faint buff bands. PLEUROTOMA NOTATA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 17.) Testa elongato-fusiformis, albida, fulvo fuscoque fasciata, strigata |