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Show 296 MR. W. WARREN ON LEPIDOPTERA [June 5, by two narrower arms to those on the inner margin, and capping the arch of ground-colour before mentioned ; the last quarter of the costa is narrowly black, which shade is continued round into the hind margin ; the apical fringes are whitish ; a narrow black line runs from the base along the inner margin to the first quadrate spot; all the black markings are finely edged with lustrous coppery scales. Hind wing with a broad black border and coppery fringes. The specimen in Major Yerbury's consignment from Thundiani is also single, but a female, and though differing considerably, as will be seen, from the male above described, is almost certainly the female of the same species. The ground-colour, especially of the hind wing, is paler, more orange; the first quadrate spot on the inner margin is present, but with both edges curved, not perpendicular ; united also, as in the male, with the two black costal spots ; the second quadrate spot on the inner margin is reduced to a flat rectangle, while the narrow arm, which should connect it with the middle costal blotch, is replaced, in the left wing, by a nearly confluent black spot, and, in the right, by a round isolated one ; while in both wings the outer process towards the apex is represented only by a small round spot. The black apical margin, and the black basal streak along the inner margin are both present. Hind wing bright orange, having, in place of the broad black border of the male, two large separate round black spots, one at the apex, the other on the hind margin, and an elongated black mark along the inner margin from the base. In both sexes the abdominal segments are ringed above with orange-yellow, but with white on the sides and underneath. The single female is considerably larger than the male, but this difference in size, as well as that in the constitution of the marginal band in the hind wing, is observable in several allied insects ; as, for example, in Nepita conferta, Wlk., from Ceylon, and Nepita anila, Moore, from Bengal. In Eubaphe brevicornis, Wlk., E. guniaria, Grote, and in two other unnamed species of the same geuus from N. America, of which only a female example in each case is represented in the Brit. Mus. collection, this breaking up of the band of the hind wing still more closely approaches that which occurs in P. vulneratus. Family ARCTIID-E. 16. S P I L O S O M A SANGAICA. (NO. 7.) Spilosoma sangaica, Wlk. Cat. Lep. Het. B. M . xxxi. p. 294. A single female from Murree, dated 13th August, 1885, in very bad condition, having been apparently under water, is, as far as can be made out, identical with, or closely related to, this species. Walker's types are from Shanghai. Family LIPARID.E. 17. CHARNIDAS AURANTIACA, sp. n. One male from Attock, April 16, 1887. Fore wing unicolorous dull brown, with a darker spot at the end of |