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Show 1888.] E D I B L E BIRDS'-NESTS IN BRITISH N O R T H B O R N E O . 115 that could be entered. This is a small cave, the chamber itself onlv about fifty feet high, and containing both Bats' and Swifts' nests. I visited these caves in October 1884 and fouud that only ten Swifts' nests had been gathered that season. The Bats' nests are similar in form to those of the Swifts, but are made of moss only, which the Bats pick off the limestone boulders outside. I had Malini with me, the man who had successfully scaled the interior of the Gomanton Caves; he went down to No. 1 of these Obang caves, but unfortunately could only find a few young nests just being formed in the crannies and cracks of the vault, the season's nests having already been gathered. The tribes who inhabit this part of Borneo have a certain specified law of succession as to the gatherers of the nests, and the honour is taken in turn by the chiefs and their several relatives. It is probable that, with a little rest and freedom from intrusion, the Obang Caves might become very valuable to the colony. I was, I must own, somewhat disappointed with these caves after what I had heard about them. I proposed to the people that, inasmuch as the Government afforded them protection on the Kinabatangan River, which enabled them to trade and live in security, they should in return pay a tribute of one third of all birds'-nests taken out of the caves. This was cheerfully assented to. I found the yield of the month previous to m y visiting the district had been 150 nests, and of these 50 were at once handed over to me. No. 8. THE TATALAHAN CAVES, on the Padas River, West Coast, are as yet unvisited by Europeans ; but I have seen white birds'- nests of the best quality brought to Mempakol, the capital of Province Dent. No. 9. BOD NARKIOW CAVES. This paper, relating, as it does, chiefly to the edible birds'-nest caves on the Kinabatangan River, will show that that river is very rich in caves. Amongst others I may briefly allude to those reported at Bod Narkiow. Though I did not visit them, there is every reason to suppose they exist. The formation of the country is favourable to the supposition, and the folklore of the natives alludes to the fact that at Narkiow such caves are found. No. 10. BUTONG CAVES. Much the same kind of obscurity hangs over the history of the Butong Hill Caves. Time would not allow me to explore the district in their neighbourhood. So I contented myself with offering $100 to anyone who would bring me reliable information about them. No. 11. BUKIT MALINGAI, a sandstone mountain, holds birds'- nest caves, but an entrance to them has not yet been discovered. There is a strong smell of guano near the summit. No. 12. PIGTON, a limestone hill, Darvel Bay, is as yet unvisited. 8* |