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Show 220 MR. H. DRUCE ON LEl'IDOPTERA [Apr. 17, Fam. SPHINGID_E. 1. H E M A R T S CVNNIRIS. llemaris cgnniris, Guerin, Iconographie, p. 495. Also in my collection from New Caledonia. 2. MACROGLOSSA, sp. One specimen, in poor condition, not quite the same as any known to me ; but without more material I think it better not to name it. 3. CHCEROCAMPA CELERIO. Chcerocampa celerio, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2. p. 800. All the specimens have the silver streaks very heavily nrarked. 4. CH.EROCAMPA EROTUS. Chcerocampa erotus, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. p. 12, t. 104. f. B. Gonathothlibus erotoides, Wallgr. Wien. ent. Monat. iv. p. 43. Deilephila eras, Boisd. Voy. de 1'Astrolabe, Ent. p. 185; Feist-hamel, Voy de la Favorite, Supp. vol. v. p. 19, t. 5. f. 2. Chcerocampa andamanensis, Kirbv, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1877, p. 242 ; Waterhouse, Aid, t. 141. f. 1. Mr. Woodford has brought a fine series of this species from Suva, which shows that all the forms that have been described as distinct species are in reality one. The specimens in my own collection are from the following localities :-North Australia ; Loyalty Islands ; Suva, Viti Levu; New Hebrides ; Timor ; and Andaman Islands. I do not see any characters whereby to separate them : the largest specimen is that from the New Hebrides with the widest dark margin to the secondaries; but every intermediate form to those from North Australia with the very narrow border to the secondaries is represented : the colour of primaries varies very much, a specimen taken by Mr. Woodford is almost green. 5. PROTOPARCE CONVOLVULI, var. DISTANS. Protoparce convolvuli, var. distans, Butl. Lep. New Zealand Voy. 'Erebus' and ' Terror,' p. 30, t. 9. f. 11. Also in my collection from New Guinea, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, and Western Australia ; this species is always much smaller and darker in colour than the typical P. convolvuli. Fam. CHALCOSIID_E. (i. H E T E R O P A N DOLENS, n. sp. (Plate XIII. fig. 1.) Primaries uniform slate-colour, secondaries dull glossy blue except along the costal and outer margins, which are brownish slate-colour. Underside of all the wings pale slate-colour, the costal margin of the secondaries shaded with blue. The upperside of the head, thorax, and abdomen dull black ; the underside of the head, thorax, abdomen, and legs brownish bronze-colour. Expanse f inch. A pretty little species, not nearly allied to any known to me, but to some extent resembling Chalcosia appendiculata, Snell. |