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Show 412 ON NEW LEPIDOPTERA FROM THE HIMALAYAS. [June 19, pale straw-yellow ; veins and outer border slightly speckled minute red scales ; cilia with a pale red inner border. Underside pale ochreous-yellow ; veins of fore wing and costal border of hind wing ochreous-red. Thorax, front of head, palpi, and legs above ochreous ; fore tibial claws black ; abdomen pale straw-yellow. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Dharmsala. In coll. British Museum. Fam. ANTHOPHILID-E. Genus METACHROSTIS, Hiibner. (Syn. Leptosia, Guenee.) METACHROSTIS CONTINGENS, n. sp. Dark grey. Fore wing with a basal and three equidistant transverse more or less interrupted brown waved bands ; the third band broadest at end of the cell and there forming a reniform spot; before which is an orbicular spot; a submarginal sinuous pale line. Hind wing cinereous-grey, with short, posterior, sinuous, brown-speckled bands ; a marginal black lunular line to both wings. Body, palpi, and tarsal bands dark grey ; legs cinereous. Expanse y9^ inch. Hab. Dharmsala. In coll. British Museum. Fam. AcoNTiiDiE. Genus CANNA, Walker. CANNA SPLENDENS, n. sp. Male. Upperside : fore wing with a large, broad, waved-bordered, pale emerald-green patch, which terminates in a small lower spot on hind margin near the base, both with dark brown speckled margins ; outer area of wing pale green, crossed by a white lunular discal line ; a white-centred brown anterior spot and a white posterior spot on exterior margin; two minute spots also ou costa before the apex ; cilia green, alternated with brown ; hind wing pale pinkish-brown ; margin palest. Body pale brown : front of thorax and vertex emerald-green, hind part of thorax and dorsal tuft on middle of abdomen black-fringed. Expanse 1|- inch. Hab. Dharmsala, 6200 feet; August. In coll. British Museum. |