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Show 12 MR. O. THOMAS ON MAMMALS FROM [Jan. 17, 28. Mus (ISOMYS) ABYSSINICUS, Riipp. a. 2 juv. Lado, 16/2/84. " House-mouse ; very common."-E. 29. Mus GUEINZII, Peters. Dasymys gueinzii, Veters, M B . Ak. Berl. 1875, p. 12, pis. i. & ii. a, b. 3 & 2- Stat. Gadda, 1/84. " Monbuttu name ' Suhr.' " - E . These two specimens agree in all essential characters with Dr. Peters's description, the type of which I have examined in Berlin. His specimen came from the interior of Natal, aud this occurrence of the species in Monbuttu is therefore a most remarkable and interesting fact, quite unparallelled by any of the other small mammals of the Emin collection. With regard to the genus " Dasymys " formed by Dr. Peters for this animal, and its alleged relationship to Otomys, I can only say that I am quite unable to see any reason why the species should not be included in the genus Mus, an opinion 1 first came to in Berlin when examining the type, and since confirmed by a direct comparison of Dr. Emin's specimens with Otomys and with many other species of the genus Mus. 30. Mus KAISERI, Noack. a-c. 2 • Stat. Gadda, 1/84. d. Skeleton. Stat. Gadda. " B o m u " or " Sinsi."-E. These specimens agree very fairly well with Dr. Noack's description of a new species obtained by Dr. B o h m in Marungu. 31. Mus RUFINUS, Temm. fl, 6. $ & yg. Slat. Gadda, 1/84. I am not very certain about the determination of these specimens, as Temminck's description is exceedingly vague, and the skull of the type is, unfortunately, in so dilapidated a condition that, as Dr. Jentink has been kind enough to inform me, no exact measurements can be taken upon it for comparison with those of Emin Pasha's specimen. 32. Mus UNIVITTATUS, Peters. a. 3 • Tingasi, 24/7/83. b. 3- Tingasi, 9/10/83. c. 3 • Stat. Gadda, 23/1/84. "Iride fusca. Monbuttu name 'Tibo.' Lives in and by water and swims with facility."-E. ' This rare species has been previously only recorded from West Africa, the specimens that I have seen being from Dongila (Buchholz Mus. Berl.), Gaboon (Aubry Le Conte, Mus. Paris and Brit.) and Cameroons (Johnston, Mus. Brit.). Dr. Emin's examples are more |