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Show 1888.] INSECTS OF CHRISTMAS ISLAND. 553 HEMIPTERA. LYG.EID_E. LYG-EUS SUBRUFESCENS, sp. n. Long. corp. 11-13 millim. Pitchy brown above ; the head, pronotum, and base of the elytra bordered with dull red ; the ocelli and the space between each eye brighter red ; antennae and legs pitchy brown above and below ; head and body dull red beneath (in the female the abdomen is shaded with brown on the sides and towards the extremity, and the legs are of a redder brown beneath than above). Proboscis pitchy, extending to the middle of the third segment of the abdomen. Allied to L. longiusculus, Walk., from Celebes. The female was taken at Flying-Fish Cove on October 2. HOMOPTERA. ClCADID-E. OXYPLEURA CALYPSO, Sp. n. Male. Black, with testaceous markings. Head black ; front of vertex with a wide testaceous stripe on each side, extending from the inside of the eye to the striated portion of the face. Longitudinal sulcation broad, rather deep, black, surmounted by a trapeziform ochreous spot; the transverse striations, except the upper ones, are marked with ochreous, ending in a continuous ochreous stripe, not striated, on each side of the extremity of the longitudinal sulcation. Sides of face clothed with thick yellowish-grey hair; labrum with a longitudinal testaceous stripe, expanded above and below ; proboscis testaceous, black towards the extremity, and reaching as far as the hinder trochanters; antennae black. Pronotum testaceous, entirely so behind ; a dumbbell-shaped black mark in front of this, extending to the front edge, and the central sutures blackish ; sides not greatly expanded, with irregular black markings, and clothed with grey hair; mesonotum black, with two short thick tawny stripes on each side, not reaching the front edge, and a spear-headed tawny mark, filled with black in the middle, directed forwards; scutellum with the hinder half and lateral ridges testaceous. Abdomen black ; sutures narrowly edged with testaceous, especially on the sides; segment 7 with two testaceous dots in the middle and a larger spot on each side. Sternum mostly black, clothed with greyish hair; legs testaceous ; coxae, four front femora, and tarsi streaked with black above ; opercula testaceous, extending nearly to the end of the first segment of the abdomen. Abdomen beneath testaceous ; basal segment entirely black, the following segments triangularly blackish on each side at the base, the last two lateral lobes spotted with black. Tegulae and wings hyaline, with brown nervures; costal nervures and inner marginal nervures testaceous. Allied to 0. bufo and 0. polita, Walk., but differently marked. A n extremely hairy pupa, marked " D u g up, earth, October 8," |