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Show 664 DR. H. GADOW ON THE REMIGES OF BIRDS. [Dec. 18, Group D.-With only 9 functional primaries. The 9th quill always partakes of the formation of the tip of the wing, and is frequently the largest of all. The 10th quill is, as a rule, reduced to a tiny feather, which is hidden between the 10th covert and outer vane of the 9th quill. This hidden portion is always assumed by the 10th quill, even when it is still tolerably well developed, as in the Hirundinidse and in the Icteridse, i. e. in birds in which it is stated to be absent by most ornithologists. The llth upper covert is frequently present. To this group belong the so-called " Oscines novem-pennatse," corresponding with the Tanagroid Passeres of Wallace, and with the section Fringilliformes of the Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. Dicaeidae Hirundinidas ... Ampelidae Mniotiltidae Icteridse Fringillidce Dicaaum Hirundo Progrne Ampelis Phainopepla nitens] ... Mniotilta Dendrceca Parula Periglossa Seiurus Motacilla Anthus Henicurus Ccereba Diglossa Tanagra Quiscalus major Length of 10th primary in cm. I very small. 1-1-3 1-8 0-8 > 10 J 1 0-8-1-0 1 2-4-0! 1 0-8-1-0 j 0-8-1-0 } - 30 1-0 1-0 1-2 Ampelis with llth upper covert. Phainopepla; 10th primary almost \ the length of the 9th ; 10th upper covert absent. 10th primary very fine and pointed, of about the same length as its covert. Tipofwing formed by the 9th primary. ' 10th primary quite free and functional; tips of wing formed by 8th-6th ; llth upper covert present. 10th primary very fine and occult. 10th primary stiff and narrow. |