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Show 1888.] FROM EQUATORIAL AFRICA. 61 20. HYPOLIMNAS INARIA. Papilio inaria, Cramer, Pap. E.xot. iii. pi. 214. A, B (1782). Wadelai: 3 $ . 13th and 27th January; o*. 29th and 31st March ; 8th and 9th April, 1887. This local form of H. misippus is chiefly distinguishable in the female sex, which resembles Limnas klugii; it can hardly be called a variety of H. misippus, inasmuch as it replaces it in the same localities in which L. kluyii replaces L. chrysippus; yet the males of H. misippus and H. inaria seem almost, if not absolutely, identical in character. 21. HYPOLIMNAS SALMACIS. Papilio salmacis, Drury, 111. Ex. Ent. ii. pi. 8. figs. 1, 2 (1773). A worn example was taken at Monbuttu in July or August. 22. PANOPEA LUCRETIA. Papilio lucretia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pi. 45. C, D (1779). A good male example. Monbuttu, July or August. 23. CYMOTHOE CRENIS. Papilio canis, Drury, 111. Ex. Ent. ii. pi. 19. figs. 1, 2 (1779). Kangasi, 13th November, 1883 ; Monbuttu, July and August. 24. EURYPHENE PLISTONAX. Euryphene plistonax, Hewitson, Ex. Butt. v. Eur. pi. 9. figs. 38, 39 (1871). 2 . Kangasi, 11th August, 1883. Originally received from Angola. 25. EUPH^EDRA ELEUS. Papilio eleus, Drury, 111. Ex. Ent. iii. pi. 12. figs. 1, 2 (1782). 2 . Kangasi, 24th July, 1883. 26. ATERICA CUPAVIA. Papilio cupavia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pi. 183. E, F (1780). 3 . Foda, 3rd November, 1885. 27. ATERICA VERONICA, var. Papilio veronica, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pi. 325. C, D (1782). 3. Stazione Bauri, September 1883. The single example obtained is of a rich rufous-chocolate colour below, but does not differ in markings from the typical form. 28. HAMANUMIDA D_EDALUS. Papilio dcedalus, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 482. n. 174 (1775). Stazione Bauri, September 1883 ; Fdda, 22nd, 23rd, 26th, 28th, and 31st October, and 25th November, 1885 ; Wadelai, 16th January, 1887 ; Monbuttu in July or August. |