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Show 1888.] FROM WESTERN INDIA. 301 Family BRYOPHILID.E. 37. BRYOPHILA NIGRIVITTATA, sp. n. (No. 68.) Fore wing chalk-white, dusted with pinkish grey towards the hind margin ; a broad velvety-black central fascia, narrowed towards the inner margin, the inner edge of which is slightly concave, the outer sinuous, forming in the centre a decided projection ; a small black spot before the anal angle. Hind wing whitish, with a grey suffusion and with the darker outline of a band like that on the fore wing just perceptible. Head, face, thorax, and abdomen white; palpi black. Legs white, tarsi black with white joints. Underside whitish, darker in the fore wing. Expanse of wings 22-24 millim. A pair from Campbellpore, taken in May and June 1886. Family LEUCANIID.E. 38. L E U C A N I A UNIPUNCTA. (No. 53.) Leucania unipuncta, Haw, Lep. Brit. p. 174. Leucania extranea, Gn. Noct. i. p. 77. Two specimens, one female, one male, from Campbellpore ; the latter taken in May, the former in August 1886. 39. LEUCANIA LOREYI. (No. 59.) Leucania loreyi, Dup. iv. p. 81, pi. 105. fig. 7. Three specimens of this widely distributed species from Campbellpore, May and June 1S86. 40. LEUCANIA L-ALBUM. (NO. 148.) Phalcena-Noctua l-album, Gmel. S. N. i. 5. p. 2540. 154. Leucania bistrigata, Moore, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 334, pi. 37. fig. 18. Leucania penicillata, Moore, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 335. One female and two males from Thundiani, August and September 1886. "Uncommon ; a few specimens only at sugar." I cannot find sufficient grounds for considering Mr. Moore's bistrigata and penicillata to be distinct species. On the uuderside of the hind wings the band is more continuous and distinct. Family XYLOPHASIID_E? 41. R H I Z O G R A M M A INEXTRICATA. (No. 141.) Rhizogramma inextricata, Moore, P. Z.S. 1S81, p. 342. Three females and two males from Thundiani, all taken in August, and a single female from Dumtanar, in October 1886. " Common at sugar in August; found off and on till October." Also from Dalhousie, N.W. Himalayas, Solun in the Punjaub, and the Neilgherries. From additional knowledge gained since working through the collection, I find myself compelled to make the following alteration. Relying on Mr. Moore's authority, I made R. inextricata, as well as |