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Show 390 MR. F. MOORE ON NEW LEPIDOPTERA [June 19, 5. Descriptions of new Genera and Species of Lepidoptera Heterocera, collected by Rev. J. H. Hocking, chiefly in the Kangra District, N . W . Himalaya. By F. M O O R E, F.Z.S. [Received June 12, 1888.] Fam. SPHINGID._J;. PoLYPTYCHUS TRILINEATUS, 11. Sp. Allied to P. dentatus and P. timesius. Upperside of a paler brownish-ochreous colour than P. dentatus ; fore wing crossed by a slightly waved oblique antemedial brown line, a less distinct medial inwardly-oblique line which touches the end of the cell in crossing, and a waved postmedial line ; the medial and apical area clouded with darker brown : hind wing with an indistinct greyish transverse discal narrow fascia. Expanse 3-f- inches. Hab. Dharmsala. In coll. British Museum. AMBULYX PLACIDA, n. sp. Upperside-fore wing pale purplish lilacine greyish-brown; crossed by an indistinct single antemedial zigzag slender brown line, an oblique outwardly-curved postmedial line followed by three less distinct wavy discal lines, and a prominent outer marginal inwardly-curved olivaceous-bordered line, the latter also bent inward below the apex and then curving upward to the costa; the area between the postmedial line and outer margin being darker than the basal area; a small blackish-brown pale-bordered round spot at basal end of the cell; a large spot below the submedian near the base, and a less perfectly formed rounded spot on the costal edge above the latter, a less distinct smaller spot also at the lower end of the discocellular veinlet: hind wing dull yellowish-ochreous, with an oblique transverse medial and a marginal lilacine-blackish band with two interdiscal oblique series of similar coloured spots. Body pale purplish lilacine greyish-brown ; a broad blackish-brown frontal band, and a similar broad hindwardly-confluent band down each side of the thorax; abdomen with pale ochreous segmental bands and anal tuft. Expanse 4|- inches. llab. N.W. Himalaya. In coll. British Museum. Nearest allied to A. sericeipennis, Butler, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 251. A male specimen collected at Solun, N. Punjab, by Capt. R. B. Reed, is also in Mr. Moore's collection. DAHIRA, n. g. Fore wing elongated, narrow ; costa arched towards the end, apex produced; exterior margin very oblique, slightly concave below the apex, even ; first subcostal branch emitted at one fourth, second at |