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Show 1888.] EQUATORIAL AFRICA. 5 the list is a merely nominal one, except that the different native names of the animals are all carefully recorded. Two of Dr. Emin's West-African animals, the Chimpanzee and Galago demidoffi, occur in the list. The 39 species in the present collection consist of 3 Primates, 8 Carnivora, 1 Insectivore, 3 Bats, 1 Ungulate, 1 Edentate, and no less than 22 Rodents, Dr. Emin having wisely paid most attention to the latter group, in which our knowledge of the smaller forms is still so exceedingly incomplete. 1. ANTHROPOPITHECUS TROGLODYTES (Gm.). a. Skeleton, 3 (incomplete). Bellima, Monbuttu. b, c. Skulls, old 3 and imm. Monbuttu. Without further material, and a much fuller examination than is now possible of the whole genus, it is impossible to determine to which of the races of Chimpanzee these specimens should be assigned, and I therefore place them provisionally under the name of the common West-African species. Chimpanzees from this region have received the names of Troglodytes schweinfurthV, and T. niger, var. marungensis2, but the evidence in favour of this distinction seems to be as yet exceedingly meagre. Some notes on an acrocephalous skull of a Chimpanzee, also obtained by Dr. Emin, were contributed to this Society by Prof. Flower in 1882 (P. Z. S. 1882, p. 634). 2. COLOBUS GUEREZA, Riipp. a. Immature. On the Nambiri3, Sandeh ( = Niam-niam) land, 20/7/83. This species is also mentioned by Schweinfurth as occurring in Niam-niam. 3. GALAGO DEMIDOFFI, Fisch. a. 3- Stat. Gadda, Monbuttu, 18/3/84. b. 3. Stat. Gadda, Monbuttu, 3/5/84. " Iride flavo-umbrina. Monbuttu name ' Nensi.' " - E * This species, like the last, was observed by Schweinfurth in Niam-niam, but has otherwise only been recorded from West Africa. 4. FELIS SERVALINA, Ogilb. a. Immature. As this specimen is immature, having its milk-teeth still in place, it does not afford any additional information as to the vexed question of the relation of F. servalina to the true F. serval, except 1 Giglioli, Ann. Mus. Genov. iii. p. 56 et seqq. (1872). See also Peters, SB. Nat. Freunde, 1869, p. 25; Issel, Ann. Mus. Genov. i. p. 56 et seqq. (1870); Hartmann, Arch. Anat. Phys. 1872, p. 474 et seqq.; and Schweinfurth, ' Im Herzen von Afrika,' i. p. 558 (1874). 2 Noack, I. c. p. 291 (1887). s The exact position of this locality I am quite unable to find in any of tha maps at m y disposal. 4 The particulars marked " E." are those noted on the labels by Emin Pasha. |