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Show 400 MR. F. MOORE ON NEW LEPIDOPTERA [June 19, front; vertex ochreous; abdomen ochreous, with black dorsal band and lateral spots. Expanse, 8 1 -ft. 2 Q inches. Hab. Kangra Valley. In coll. British Museum. "Taken in copula, on the bark of a mango-tree." (Hocking.) Fam. NOTODONTID.E. H E T E R O C A M P A BASISTRIGA, n. sp. Male and Female. Fore wing ochreous-grey, black-speckled; crossed by a subbasal zigzag grey-speckled duplex black line, from which an oblique black streak extends below the cell to base ot wing; an oblique discal zigzag grey-speckled black fascia a sub-marginal row of similar dentate spots, and a marginal row of larger quadrate spots; a lunule also at end of the cell : hind wing cinereous-white in male, darker in female, costal border brownish. Thorax, head, palpi, and legs hoary; abdomen cinereous-brown ; tarsi with pale bands. Expanse, 8 If, 2 H inches. Hab. Dharmsala. In coll. British Museum. Taken at sugar. Rare. S T A U R O P U S BERBERIS^:, n. sp. Dark grey: fore wing with a subbasal-outwardly oblique zigzag duplex black line traversed by pale grey ; a pale grey-speckled black discocellular lunule, a small spot within the cell, and a spot below it, a submarginal zigzag series of black dentate spots, and a marginal row of similar spots, both series with inner grey-speckled borders : hind wing pale grey on posterior half, the anterior half dark grey traversed by black sinuous marks ; a marginal row of pale-bordered darker lunules. Female darker grey ; markings as in male. Body dark grev. Expanse, 8 Ifo- 2 2TV inches. _ Hab. Dharmsala (6200 feet, Hocking), Umballa district (Reed). In coll. British Museum and F. Moore. This is a darker insect than S. alternus, the markings of which differ in being reddish-brown. It is also distinct from .8. indicus. Larva brownish-ochreous, minutely spotted with dark brown, forming a darker band along the back, which is traversed by a central pale yellow slender line, and bordered by a lateral line ; and on the side are two dark bands angulated downwards towards the claspers; sides of head dark brown ; penultimate swollen segment edged with black spines ; fore legs black banded ; some larvae are entirely dark brown. "July 16, 6200 feet. Larva on wild barberry, Khaint and Kusmul, the wild pear. Other larvae on August 3rd. Remained in pupa 18 days." (Hocking.) CERURA HIMALAYANA, n. sp. Allied to C. vinula. Differs in being of a slightly darker grey tint: fore wing with the transverse subbasal series of black spots |