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Show 582 MR. J. H. LEECH ON THE [Dec. 18, Examples of this species in Pryer's collection bear the same number (30) as specimens of H. radians ; it is therefore not possible to say which insect be refers to in his catalogue, where be remarks "Common at Yokohama. I have bred it from larva found feeding on the Weglia." Yokohama (Pryer and Jonas)-, Hakodate (Whitely); Oiwake (Pryer); Gensan (Leech). 4. HEMARIS AFFINIS. Macroglossa affinis, Brem. Bull, de l'Acad. torn. iii. 1863 ; Ost-Sib. p. 35, tab. iii. fig. 13. ? Hemarisallernata,Butl. teste Fixsen, Rom. M e m . sur Lep. iii. p. 323. Recorded from Corea (Herz). 5. HEMARIS SIEBOLDI. Macroglossa sieboldi, Boisd., de l'Orza, Lep. Jap. p. 35 (1869). Sesia whitelyi, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) xiv. p. 367 (1874). Two examples, Hakodate, and there were four specimens in coll. Pryer. Said by Pryer to be common at Yokohama. Gifu (Pryer) ; Hakodate (Leech). 6. MACROGLOSSA BOMBYLANS. Macroglossa bombylans, Boisd. Sp. Ge'n. Lep. p. 334 (1875). Several specimens in Satsuma in May and at Nikko in September and Oiwake in October. Exhibits considerable variation in the character of yellow marking of secondaries. Yokohama (Pryer) ; Satsuma, Nikko, Oiwake (Leech) ; Kiukiang (Pratt). 7. MACROGLOSSA PYRRHOSTICTA. Macroglossa pyrrhosticta, Butl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. pi. xxxvi. fig. 8. Macroglossa saga, Butl. Ent. M o . Mag. xiv. p. 206 (1878); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. pt. ii. p. 1, pi. xxi. fig. 1 (1878). One example at Nagahama and one at Gensan in July. Several specimens coll. Pryer. Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer) ; Nagahama and Gensan (Leech) ; Kiukiang (Pratt); Shanghai. 8. MACROGLOSSA STELLATARUM. Sphinx stellatarum, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 493 ; Hiibn. Sphing. p. 94, pi. ix. fig. 57. Macroglossa stellatarum, Steph. 111. Brit. Ent. Haust. i. p. 133. I met with this species at several places in Japan, and Pryer notes it common at Yokohama. The specimens are very typical. Yokohama (Pryer) ; Oiwake (Pryer and Leech) ; Nagahama, Nikko, Hakodate, Nemoro, Foochau (Leech); North China. Teneriffe; Europe. |