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Show 326 MR. W. WARREN ON LEPIDOPTERA [June 5, Family LARENTIID.E. 146. THERA CONSIMILIS, sp. n. Fore wings dull greyish fuscous; the curved outer edge of the basal patch and the black-bordered central fascia darker ; the costal portion of this latter is much broader than the lower, running obliquely outward, and containing an oblique black dash on the end of the cell; the outer edge forming in its lower half a succession of small curves. The space between the basal patch and central fascia, and another fascia beyond this are somewhat fuscous; hind margin greyish white, traversed by an undulating paler submarginal line ; veins beyond the middle blackish; a black thrice-angulated line runs obliquely from the apex to the central fascia. Hind wing dark grey, with a curved pale submarginal fascia. Abdomen fuscous. Antennae of the male pectinated. Underside dull whitish, without distinct markings. Expanse of wings 31-33 millim. Five males and one female from Thundiani and Nandar, August, September, and October 1886 ; the female, May 2nd, 1887, at sallow-bloom. This species is allied to the European T.juniperata, but is larger and duller. The British Museum collection contains a single female, unnamed, from Afghanistan. 147. YPSIPETES UNDULATA, sp. n. (No. 158.) Fore wing grey, with a tinge of ochreous or pink, and thickly sprinkled with grey atoms ; basal patch dark grey, bordered by a double blackish line ; the pale fascia following, narrow on the costa, and broader on the inner margin ; central fascia dark grey, broad on the costa, and narrowed on the inner margin, edged on each side by a geminated blackish line ; the inner two merely sinuous, the two outer running at first obliquely outwards from the costa, and then inclining inwards, and forming a series of small curves ; a fuscous fascia follows, and is succeeded by a much undulating pale submarginal line, beyond which the hind margin itself is dark grey. An oblique dark grey dash from the apex, above which the costa is paler; the base of the central fascia and of the outer edge of the basal patch, on the inner margin, velvety black ; cilia grey, preceded by a strong black basal line. Hind wing pale fuscous with a reddish tinge, dark grey at the base of the cilia, and slightly paler before the hind margin. Underside : fore wing with the basal two thirds dark ; the extreme costa and marginal one third ochreous ; hind wing ochreous, with a darker central band and spot. Expanse of wings 32 millim. One female, three males, from Thundiani, August and September, 1886; "not uncommon." A single example of an unnamed, but allied species, from Sumatra, is in the British Museum collection. In the sparseness of the scaling, and the long, narrow shape of he scales, the species approaches more nearly the genus Thera. |