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Show 640 MR. J. H. LEECH ON THE [Dec. 18, men olive-brown. Under surface pale olive-brown, darker towards base and costa of primaries ; a central darker band on all the wings. Femora of anterior legs chocolate. ? . Paler, and the wings longer, giving the markings a more elongate appearance. Expanse, rf 47 millim., 2 5 1 millim. . This species has a superficial resemblance to D. chaonia, but is abundantly distinct from that insect. A fine series in Pryer's collection. Yokohama (Pryer). 282. D R Y M O N I A DELIA, n. sp. (Plate XXXII. fig. 3.) rf. Silvery grey, primaries with two pairs of parallel lines near the base, the area enclosed being pale greyish brown in colour, clouded along the costa from middle to near apex with brownish ; submarginal line double, dark brown, much indented; a small brown discal dot followed by a reniform spot, outlined in black, and filled in with reddish brown; a series of black-margined lunules. Secondaries olive-brown. Head and thorax greyish brown. Abdomen olive-brown. Under surface pale brown, central area of primaries darker. Expanse 44 millim. Also allied to D. chaonia. One example, coll. Pryer. Oiwake (Pryer). 283. DRYMONIA TRIMACULA. Bombyx trimacula, Esp. Schmett. iii. p. 46. t. 46. figs. 1.2(1 785). Bombyx dodonaea, Hiibn. Bomb. pl. 3. fig. 8. One example in Pryer's collection, without locality label. Japan (Pryer) ; Europe. 284. LOPHOPTERYX CAMELINA, L. Bombyx camelina, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 507- I took two male specimens at Gensan in June 1889, and a female at Hakodate in August of same year ; there were several specimens in Pryer's collection, some of these are no. 231 and others no. 232 of his Catalogue. Of the last he observes very like N. camelina. Although there is some variation in size and colour, there is nothing outside the usual range of aberration, and there is not a single specimen I cannot exactly match with an example of L. camelina from my European series of the species. Nikko, Fujisan, Oiwake (Pryer) ; Hakodate, Gensan (Leech) ; Amur ; Europe. 285. LOPHOPTERYX LADISLAI. Lophopteryx ladislai, Oberthiir, Diagn. Lep. Ask. p. 13 ; Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 66, pl. ii. fig. 3. One male example in Pryer's coll. taken at Nikko. This species appears to be very closely allied to L. cuculla, Esp. Nikko (Pryer) ; isle of Askold. |