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Show 1888.] COLEOPTERA F R O M K O R E A . 373 APOGONIA CUPREOVIRIDIS, Kolbe, Archiv f. Naturgesch. 1866, p. 193. Gensan ; four examples. The species (if I have determined it aright) differs from A. splen-dida (Boh.) of Japan and China in the more arcuated outline of the clypeus, which describes the segment of a circle, not flattened as in A. splendida, and in the sides of the elytra at their widest part having only two instead of four smooth interstices. LACHNOSTERNA DIOMPHALIA. L. parallelse (Motsch.) affinis et simillima, sed, differt pygidio 8 valde convexo, ante apicem bicalloso. Long. 20 millim. Fusan ; two examples, 8 • Similar to the common Japanese and Chinese L. parallela (Motsch.) ; of similar elongate oblong form, shining black colour, and strong but separated punctuation of the head and thorax. The males, however, differ greatly: in L. parallela the pygidium is simply and moderately convex, and the apical ventral segment transversely convex ; in L. diomphalia the pygidium is bigibbous a little before the apex, with a strong marginal groove, aud the apical ventral segment is large and transversely tumid. LACHNOSTERNA MOROSA, Waterhouse, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1875, p. 104. Three examples, one black and two piceo-castaneous. LACHNOSTERNA ? A single example ; undeterminable. HOPLOSTERNUS JAPONICUS, Harold, Abhandl. nat. Ver. Bremen, iv. 1875, p. 291. One example only, a 2. having a longer sternal spine than Japanese specimens ; but as the latter vary considerably in the length of the spine, it is open to doubt whether the Korean insect is specifically distinct. Fam. RUTELID-E. P H Y L L O P E R T H A C O N S P U R C A T A , Harold, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr. 1878, p. 71. Takerr abundantly at Gensan. Also found in Japan. ANOMALA RUFOCUPREA, Motschulsky, Etud. Entom. 1860, p. 14; Harold, Deutsch. ent. Zeitsch. 1877, p. 350. All the very numerous examples taken by Mr. Leech differ from Japanese specimens in the rather stronger and closer punctuation of the upper surface of the body, the punctures on the elytra tending to coalesce into transverse rugae. The wide range of colour-variation is similar in both forms, viz. - 1 (typical and the least numerous), coppery red ; 2, brassy-green in different shades; 3, PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1888, No. XXVI. 26 |