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Show 1888.] FROM WESTERN INDIA. 299 Family PSYCHID-E. 31. PSYCHE LONGICAUDA, sp. n. (No. 223.) Wings dull fuscous; the costa of the fore wing more thickly scaled, and so appearing darker; the rest of the wings semidiapha-nous. Thorax and abdomen clothed with long shaggy fuscous hair ; the latter ending in a prolonged tuft of smoky-black hairs ; antennae of the same smoky-black hue. Expanse 30 millim. One male, bred November 8, 1886, from Campbellpore, accompanied with the remark "that the larva makes a faggot of straws." These cases are an inch and half long ; the inner part composed of grey silk into which apparently the empty seed-cases of a grass have been spun ; this is covered externally with small lengths of shining yellow flower-stems of the grass; those at the base closely packed and shorter, about •§• inch long; those on the sides longer and projecting beyond the apex. Family NOTODONTID^E. 32. M O M A CHAMPA. (No. 156.) Moma champa, Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 483, pi. 33. fig. 2. A pair from Thundiani, taken in August 1886. Recorded also from the Cameroons and the Congo. Mr. Moore's types were from the N.W. Himalayas. Family CYMATOPHORID^E. 33. THYATIRA COGNATA. (NO. 104.) Thyatira cognata, Moore, M S. One female from Kala Pani, dated August 9, 1886, somewhat wasted. Allied to T. vicina, Gn., from Java, but the fore wing has only four peach-coloured patches, that on the inner margin being filled up with the fuscous-olive ground-colour, and only visible in outline. As in vicina, the basal blotch is prominently produced in the centre, hut the two subapical blotches are not confluent. A comparison of a more extensive series of specimens of this form, in the Hocking Collection in the British Museum, in which there occurs considerable variation in the distinctness of the blotch on the inner margin, has led Mr. Butler to consider this a mere variety of T. batis, and not a distinct species. In this he is, I have no doubt, right; but it must still be considered a merely local form, and not a variety of general occurrence. 34. POLYPLOCA ALBIDISCA, Moore, MS. Fore wing greyish white, with a greenish tinge ; extreme base blackish, with a tuft of raised white scales ; followed by a pale grey sinuous band, indistinctly traversed by a darker central line; then a dark-edged darker sinuous fascia, also traversed by an indistinctly darker line ; the external angle of this fascia below the costa is marked by a short vertical black dash of raised scales, representing |