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Show 1888.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 347 anterior spots are placed exactly as in M. 20-punctata, but of placed below the middle the intermediate spot is wanting, so that only two remain, and the last or apical spot is transverse, not elongate as in the allied form ; the elytra are also more closely punctured in the present species, and the legs are entirely fulvous. There are more than twenty specimens before me, which all show the same differences, as pointed out, and can be separated easily from M. 20- punctata. PHYTODECTA FLAVIPENNIS, n. sp. Broadly ovate, pale fulvous ; the terminal joints of the antennas and the legs black ; thorax very minutely punctured on the disk, strongly on the sides ; elytra finely punctate-striate, the interstices scarcely visibly punctured. Length 2\ lines. Head distinctly but irregularly punctured ; antennae extending to the base of the thorax, the terminal joints transversely shaped, black, the lower four joints fulvous ; thorax three times wider than long, narrowed in front, very minutely punctured, the sides deeply punctate ; scutellum fulvous ; elytra broad, subquadrate, the punctures moderately deep, the interstices extremely finely punctured. The present species seems to differ from any other described Phytodecta in several particulars: from most of them P. flavipennis differs in the fulvous upper and underside ; P. rufa, Kraatz, which also has the underside red, is larger and the legs are described as red with the exception of the knees. There are two specimens before me, which show no difference, except that the colour in one is paler, and that the upper and lower margins of the breast are black, the latter is deeply rugose-punctate. PHYTODECTA TREDECIMMACULATA, n. sp. Broadly subquadrate, fulvous ; thorax with three black spots ; scutellum black ; elytra strongly and closely punctured, the punctuation irregular, each elytron with six black spots ; breast piceous. Length 3 lines. Head rather closely punctured on the vertex and on the clypeus. Antennae entirely fulvous, extending to the base of the elytra. Thorax three times broader than long, the sides evenly rounded, the anterior margin broadly concave ; the disk finely and remotely, the sides strongly and closely, punctured ; a large black spot is placed at the middle, but does not extend to the base, a smaller one is situated at each side ; scutellum black, very broad. Etytra subquadrate, convex and short, very closely and distinctly punctured, the punctuation not arranged in lines ; of the black spots, which are large, one of oblique shape occupies the middle of the base, two, placed transversely at, and two others, of which the inner one is sutural, below the middle; another sutural spot is placed at the extreme apex. Below and the legs strongly punctured, the breast more or less piceous. Foochan. |