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Show 1888.] BIRDS COLLECTED IN PERAK. 271 PHILENTOMA VELATUM (Temm.). Philentoma velatum, Oates, t. c. p. 263; Hume, Str. F. p. 58. "No. 128. 8 ad. Batang Padang Mountains, Perak. " Irides crimson; bill black; feet and legs black." PHILENTOMA PYRRHOPTERUM (Temm.). Philentoma pyrrhopterum, Oates, t. c. p. 264 ; Hume, Str. F. 1879, p. 58. "No. 127. o* ad. Batang Padang Mountains, Perak. " Irides red ; bill black." Identical with males from other parts of the peninsula and from Tenasserim. I have re-examined the type of P. intermedium of H u me from Johore, and I cannot see how it differs from P.pyrrhopterum. CuLICICAPA CEYLONENSIS (Sw.). Culicicapa ceylonensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. iv. p. 369 ; Oates, t. c. p. 274 ; Hume, Str. F. 1879, p. 59. " No. 111. 8 ad. Gunong Batu Putch (3400 feet). " Irides reddish brown ; feet and legs warm brown, soles of feet red ; bill black." CRYPTOLOPHA DAVISONI, sp. n. " No. 96. 8 ad. Gunong Ulu Batang Padang (4200 feet). "Irides dark brown; bill above brown, beneath yellow ; legs and feet flesh-colour." This is a Malayan representative of C. mentis of Kina Balu, from which it differs in its larger size and intensified colouring, being dark grass-green instead of yellowish green, having all the rufous parts of the head deep chestnut instead of ferruginous, and in being much brighter yellow below. Total length 3*8 inches, culmen 0*4, wing 2*15, tail 1*55, tarsus 0*7. CRYPTOLOPHA TRIVIRGATA (Strickl.). Cryptolopha trivirgata, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 435; Salvad. t. c. p. 204. " N o 97. 2 ad. Gunong Batu Putch (4300 feet). " Irides dark brown." STOPAROLA THALASSINOIDES (Cab.). Stoparola thalassinoides, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv. p. 432 ; Hume, Str. F. 1879, p. 59. "No. 136. 8 ad. Larut. " Irides light brown." A truly Malayan species, represented by the ordinary S. mela-nops in Tenasserim, to which province the present bird does not extend. |