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Show 54 MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS [Jan. 1 7, ft. CLEOPATRA EMINI, n. sp. Testa ovato-acuminata, anguste umbilicata, mediocriter tenuis, sordide albida, lutea vel purpureo-fusca, interdum rufo bi- vet trizonata; anfractus 7-8, superne decliviter tabulati, angulati, carinis duobus instructi, lineis incrementi parum obliquis, distincte striati; apertura ovalis, parva, longit. totius \ haud cequans ; peristoma tenue, margine columellari leviter expanso et reflexo. Longit. 1 1| millim., diam. 6 ; apertura 5 longa, '5\ lata. Fig. 2. Cleopatra emini. This pretty species is remarkable for the angulation and cari-nation of the whorls. In five of the specimens at hand there are two keels upon the whorls, whereof the upper and rather stronger one is at the angle, the other being around the middle of the last volution and revolving up the spire just above the sutural line. In one example there is a third slight lira or keel upon the upper part of the whorl between the suture and the angle ; and in another specimen the peripherial carina has become obsolete upon the body-whorl and is represented by a colour-band. C bulimoides, Olivier, if keeled and angulated, would closely resemble this species. The operculum in both species is the same. It is spiral at first with a raised edge, and increases afterwards concentrically. Three specimens of this species have been liberally presented to the Museum by the Rev. H. Waller. 6. BYTHINIA ALBERTI, n. sp. Testa parva, subg/obosa, brevis, anguste umbilicata, alba, epidermide tenui lutescente induta ; anfractus 4, perconvexi, lineis incrementi striati, ultimus haud elongatus; apertura submagna, fere ovalis, longit. totius \ paulo superans; peristoma continuum, leviter incrassatum, margine columellari anguste reflexo. Longit. 4 ; diam. maj. fere 4 millim. The chief distinguishing features of this little species are its short stumpy growth and the lntrrow umbilicus. Of the known African species, B. badiella, received by the British Museum from Parreyss with the locality " Egypt," is the nearest ally of the present form. It is, however, of a somewhat different shape, has a smaller aperture, and is more narrowly perforate. 7. BYTHINIA WALLERI, n. sp. Testa parva, albido-pellucida, nitida, perforata ; anfractus 4A-5 perconvexi, striis incrementi tenuissimis sculpti ; apertura rotunde |