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Show 1888.] COLEOPTERA FROM KOREA. 375 reflexis ; capite toto disperse punctulato ; thorace transverso, a basi usque ad apicem subrotundatim angusta to disperse punctulato, lateribus vage multi-impresso, marginibus reflexis medio basi immarginato piano, angulis posticis valde obtusis ; elytris punctato-striatis vix costatis, interstitio 2do lato confuse punctato; pggidiofere leevi; pectore breviter sparsim pubes-centi. Spina sternalis gracilis, elongata, acuta. Unguis ex-teriore tarsorum 4 anticorum sat gracilis, fissus, 8 2 • Anten-narum clava utroque sexu elongata (in 2 v^x brevior). 8 • Pygidium versus apicem convexum; segmentum ventrale api-cale breve. 2 . Pggidium cequaliter modice convexum; segmentum ventrale apicale elongatum. Long. 14-17 millim. Gensan; many examples. Agrees with the section Spilota (sensu Dejean) in most of its characters, but peculiar in the form of its labrum, which is broader in the middle and pointed. This character may not prove of the importance it seems when the labrum in all the Anomalce is more closely examined than it has hitherto been. Authors seem to have followed Erichson in eiving it as inflexed and emarginated. Such species as I have dissected prove not to be emarginated, but to be rather produced and rounded in the middle of the anterior margin. The inflexion which commences nearly from the base is increased near the apex, giving the false appearance of emargination when viewed from above. MIMELA SPLENDENS, Gyll. in Schonh. Syn. Ins. i. 3, App. p. 110; Burm. Handb. d. Ent. iv. 2, p. 506. Mimela gaschkevitschi, Motschulsky, Etud. Ent. 1857, p. 32. Mimela simplex, Bates, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 345. A common insect in Japan and Northern Formosa. Mr. Leech obtained many examples at Gensan. MIMELA FUSANIA. M . chinensi (Kirby) proxime affinis ; aureo- vel ceneo-viridis apud latera testaceo-translucens, subtus (cum pedibus) testaceo-ccnea, fusco-cuprea vel Icete cuprea, fere nuda ; clypeo rugoso-punctulato, fronte et thorace disperse punctulatis hoc crebre minutissime punctulato, linea dorsali lateribusque vage impressis margine integro; elytris sat grosse passim punctatis, costis Ordinariis dislinctis Icevibus interstitio 2do lato ; pggidio sculp-turis curvatis discretis medio leeviore. Long. 14-15 millim. Fusan ; many examples. Exactly similar in form and sculpture to the form of 31. chinensis (Kir.) met with abundantly on the Lower Yang-tsze Kiang ; but differing constantly in its darker colour, the Chinese species being yellow-testaceous tinged with brassy. It cannot be Mimela lutei-pennis, Motsch., Peking, as that species is described as " abdomine testaceo-villoso " 26* |