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Show 244 LIEUT.-COL. G O D W I N - A U S T E N O N L A N D [Apr. 17, rounded ; suture well defined ; whorls 6, the last two the largest, the penultimate swollen and projecting beyond the body-whorls ; aperture oblique, semi-oval, with one rather long parietal lamella fining out inwards and backwards ; peristome white, sinuate above, somewhat thickened, regular throughout, the two margins united by a callus ; columellar margin oblique. Size: maj. diam. 10-0, min. 7'0, alt. axis 6*5 mm. Compared with the Burmese species hitherto known this is nearest to S. birmanica, but is higher in the spire, and the second whorl is more tumid, the lamella is more strongly developed. 13. PUPA SALWINEANA. Pupa salwineana, Theobald, J. A. S. B. 1870, vol. xxxix. pt. 2, p. 400 ; figd. Conch. Ind. pi. c. f. 9. Locality. Pingoung, Shan Hills, 2.~>00 feet. Size: maj. diam. 2-50, alt. axis 5 5 0 m m. This is a very beautiful little shell. The only perfect specimen is bleached, but a smaller imperfect one shows that it is covered with a brown epidermis. 14. CLAUSILIA (PSEUDONENIA) SHANICA, n. sp. " Testa breviter rimata,fusiformi-clavata,carneo-grisea, solidula spira concavo-turrita, valde elongata ; apex minutus, acutissimus. Anfr 13^-, lentissime accrescentes, convexusculi, sutura impressa disjuncti, subtiliter striati, ultimus penultimo parum major, subtus leviter attenuatus, cervice rotundatus. Apert. parva, obliqua, late piriformis; perist. continuum, breviter solutum, expansiusculum. Lamellae modicce, compressor, approximates; supera marginalis, parum alta, intus humil/ima, cum spirali videtur continua; infera sublimis, subhorizontaliter in medium aperturam prosiliens, antice in denticulum desinens, a basi intuenti valde spiraliter torta ; subcolumellaris subemersa, oblique intuenti distinctissima. Plica principalis profunda, lateralis, in apertura antice vix conspicua; palatales 2, altera supera, principali approximata et parallela, altera infera cum clausilio perspicuo lunellam lateralem, magis minusve distinctam, fingente." Alt. 19g, diam. 4 m m . ; alt. apert. 3|, lat. apert. 2 | m m. Hab. Shan Hills, near Pingoung, Burma, at a height of about 2500 feet. (Boettger.) This description is somewhat amended by Mr. Ponsonby from one by Dr. Boettger, who considered it to be allied to G. affinis of the Naga Hills. On comparison it proves to be very different in every way. 15. CYCLOPHORUS CRASSALABELLA, n. sp. Locality. Shan Hills. Shell similar in form to C. fulguratus, rather openly umbilicated ; coloration, a distinct narrow dark brown band on "the periphery, sharply defined above, giving off below a regular series of zigzag markings, like a fringe hanging from it; the whorls above are orna- |