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Show 592 MR. J. H. LEECH ON THE [Dec. 18, There is no difference between Japanese and Kiukiang specimens of this species. Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer); Shimonoseki, Nagasaki, Satsuma (Leech); Kiukiang (Pratt). 48. SCIAPTERON BICINCTA. Algeria bicincta, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. Suppl. i. p. 12 (1864). Several specimens at Nagasaki in June, and Tsuruga and Shimonoseki in July. Two examples, coll. Pryer. Nagasaki, Tsuruga, Shimonoseki (Leech) ; Yokohama, Oiwaki (Pryer) ; N. China (Fortune). 49. ^EGERIA HECTOR. AEgeria hector, Butl. III. Typ. Lep. Het. pt. ii. p. 60, pi. xl. fig. (1878). A number of specimens, coll. Pryer. Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer) ; Oiwake (Pryer). 50. .ZEGERIA MONTIS, sp. n. (Plate XXX. fig. 4.) Primaries deeply bordered with black; the central hyaline area divided by a broad black bar just beyond the middle of the wing; secondaries hyaline, bordered with black, broadly on their outer and narrowly on their inner margins. Body black, belted with yellow near the anal extremity, and again towards the middle. Head, thorax, legs, antennas, and under surface black; under surface of primaries dashed with yellow along the costa and inner margin. Allied to A3, stelidiformis (Freyer), but differing in the belts. Expanse 25 millim. A single male in coll. Pryer, taken at Oiwake, June 1887. 50 a. .ZEGERIA TENUIS. AEgeria tenuis, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. pt. ii. p. 60, pi. xl. fig. (1878). Three specimens, coll. Pryer. Oiwake (Pryer). 51. SESIA VELOX. Sesia velox, Fixsen, Rom. Mem. sur Lep. vol. iii. p. 323. Corea (Herz). 52. BEMBECIA ODYNERIPENNIS. AEgeria odyneripennis, Walk. Cet. Lep. Het. viii. p. 42 (1856). I took one specimen of this insect near Hakodate in August. Nova Scotia. 53. BEMBECIA PERNIX, sp. n. (Plate XXX. fig. 5.) Primaries reddish fuscous, paler and somewhat subhyaline about the disk and base of wings ; secondaries hyaline, with dark outer border and fringes. Head black; palpi and collar pale yellow. Thorax and abdomen black, the latter with two narrow pale "yellow rings near the anal tuft and two wider rings, one about the centre |