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Show 28 CAPT. G. E. SHELLEY ON BIRDS [Jan. 17, 54. ANTHUS CERVINUS, Pall. Anthus cervinus, Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 323 ; Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. x. p. 585. No. 121. 2- Redjaf, Jan. 1, 1884. 55. MACRONYX CROCEUS (Vieill.). Macronyx croceus, Hartl. Abhandl. nat. Ver. Brem. vii. 1881, p. 99; Pelz. Verh. Wien, xxxi. 1881, pp. 145, 609; Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. x. p. 626. No. 359. o*. Wadelai, May 19, 1884. 56. MIRAFRA APIATA (Vieill.). Megalophonus fischeri, Reichen. J. f. O. 1883, p. 202. Mirafra apiata, Hartl. Zool. Jahrb. ii. 1886, p. 329. No. 132. 2- Wadelai, Aug. 11, 1886. This is the most northern locality yet known for this species, which ranges into South Africa and the Congo region. 57. MIRAFRA BUCOLICA, Hartl. Mirafra bucolica, Hartl. Zool. Jahrb. ii. 1886, p. 327- 3 ad. Tobbo, M a y 16, 1883. In general colouring and size this Lark much resembles the S.-African M. sabota, but differs in the colouring of the quills, two pairs of the outer tail-feathers, and in the character of the feet. The following comparison between M. bucolica and M. sabota will best point out the characters which appear to m e to be of specific value. M. bucolica.-Primaries broadly edged with rufous buff, that colouring extending to the quill of the first long primary throughout the greater portion of its length ; inner webs broadly edged with rufous buff of the same shade for about half the length of the feathers. Two outer tail-feathers-outer one rufous buff with a diagonal dark portion extending from near the end of the inner web over the basal portion of the outer one, but not reaching to the outer web, and divided near the base of the quill by the buff colouring, next feather with a broad rufous-buff edge to the outer web. Feet smaller and buffer, hind claw slightly straighter and longer. M. sabota.-Primaries partially and very narrowly edged with buffish white, not perceptible on the first long primary; inner margin of primaries whitish but nearly obsolete. Two outer tail-feathers outer one blackish, with only a broad edging of rufous buff over scarcely more than half the width of the outer web and round the end of the feather; next feather with an almost obsolete pale margin to the outer web, widening slightly at the tip. Feet larger and browner, hind claw slightly more curved and shorter. 58. GALERITA MODESTA, Heugl. Geocorypha modesta, Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 691 pi 23- Hartl. Zool. Jahrb. ii. 1886, p. 328. No. 150. 2- Redjaf, Jan. 17, 1884. |