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Show 86 ON COLEOPTERA FROM EQUATORIAL AFRICA. [Jan. 17, 6. On some Coleoptera from Eastern Equatorial Africa, received from Emin Pasha. By CHARLES O. W A T E R - HOUSE, F.E.S. [Received January 6, 1888.] The small series of Coleoptera received from Emin Pasha is inter-esting as containing examples of one species new to science, and of six which had previously been received at the British Museum from West Afiica only, as indicated in the following list. The localities from which the other species have been recorded are also here given. 1. TEFFLUS HACQUARDI, Chaudoir. Zanzibar. 2. TEFFLUS CARINATUS, Klug. Mozambique. 3. CATHARSIUS SESOSTRIS, Dej. (in litt.). Egypt. A single male example which agrees well with one from Egypt from Dejean's collection and labelled by him ' sesostris.' C. sesostris, Dej., according to Gemminger and Harold's Catalogue of Coleoptera, is the same as C. pithecius, Fabr., and has the habitat Tropical Africa placed to it. Scarabceus pithecius, Fabr. (Syst. Ent. p. 21), however, is an Indian species (as Fabricius correctly states), and the type in the Biitish Museum collection is simply an immature specimen of Scarabceus sabceus, Fabr. (Spec. Ins. i. p. 23), the type of which is also in the British Museum. The African species differs from the true sabceus in having the sides of the thorax less rounded anteriorly, and the anterior angles are punctured all over, whereas in C. sabaus they are impunctate1. 4. CORYPHOCERA AFRICANA, Drury. W. Africa. 5. STERNOCERA KLUGII, Thomson. Nubia. 6. TETRALOBUS SUBSULCATUS, Guerin. Abyssinia. 7. TETRALOBUS DUFOURI, Candeze. Senegal. 8. TETRALOBUS CRIBRICOLLIS, n. sp. Piceo-niger, parum nitidus, subtiliter griseo-pubescens ; capitis jronte antice modice angustata, medio fovea elongata impressa, vertice carina brevi munito; thorace nigro, bene convexo, confertim satfortiter rugoso-punctato ; elytris creberrime subtiliter striis dorsalilus obsoletis, striis duabus abbreviatis humeros distinctis. Long. 13-16^, lat 4^-5-} lin. Allied to T. rotundifrons, but narrower, less shining, and with the thorax rugcsely punctured. Frontal plate distinctly narrowed in 1 C. cribricollis, Walker, placed as a synonym of C. sabceus in Gemniinger's Catalogue, differs from that species in being less shining and in having only the outer half of the anterior angles of the thorax punctured. |