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Show 392 MR. F. MOORE ON N E W LEPIDOPTERA [June 19, bands of a dull chestnut tint, basal segments yellowish-ochreous, anal lateral tuft black. Expanse l^j inch. Hab. Kangra Valley. In coll. British Museum. Fam. _ZEGERIID-E. M E L I T T I A K U L L U A N A , n. sp. Nearest M. nepcha (Moore, Lep. Coll. Atkinson, p. 10). Wings comparatively shorter; apical area of fore wing traversed by four veins; a short black vein projecting within the cell from middle of the discocellular streak. Thorax, head, palpi, pectus, and femora beneath olivaceous-yellow ; abdomen above purple-black, with narrow pale bluish segmental bands ; abdomen beneath bluish-white ; palpi slightly black-fringed; mid legs black, fringed with golden-yellow hairs ; hind legs densely clothed with long black hairs, hind femora and tibiae above with interspersed dull chestnut-red and yellow hairs. Expanse 1-j^ inch. Hab. Kullu. In coll. British Museum. From M. indica, Butler, this may be distinguished by its much broader transparent apical area. Fam. CALLIDULID-E. P T E R O D E C T A A N C H O R A , n. sp. Upperside olive-brown. Fore wing with a large orange-red anchor-shaped transverse discal mark. Underside brownish-ochreous : fore wing with the orange-yellow band black-bordered; a white spot at end of the cell and two smaller spots in the middle ; hind wing tessellated more or less with yellow and black strigae, which form transverse fasciae; a yellow spot at end of the cell. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Dharmsala. Fam. LITHOSIID-E. S E T I N A C A L A M A R I A , n. sp. Fore wing ochreous-yellow, with a prominent black triangular discocellular spot, a smaller spot at base of the cell, and another spot on base of the costal margin: hind wing paler yellow, a black spot on each tegula, and two on the middle of thorax; tip of fore tibia, and of all tarsi fuliginous -black. Expanse lg inch. Hab. Palampore. In coll. British Museum. iEMENE SAGITTIFERA, 11. Sp. Male and Female. Creamy-white : fore wing with five large spots on the costal border, a sagittate spot within the cell near base, a triangular spot at end of the cell, two smaller linear spots on the subcostal vein, two on each of its branches, two on the median, and four on the submedian, these spots forming four transverse series ; the fifth costal spot having a few blackish speckles only below it; on the costal margin is also a row of regularly-disposed small black |