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Show 536 MR. E. A. SMITH O N THE TERRESTRIAL [Dec. 4, Several specimens. Closely allied to A. boutoni, Desj., which it differs in the distinct interparietal shield. LYGOSOMA NATIVITATIS, Blgr. This species was established upon a single tailless specimen. Eight specimens were secured by Mr. Lister. The tail, when intact, is two thirds of the total length. Young with the dorsal scales strongly quinquecarinate. 7. On the Terrestrial Mollusks of Christmas Island. By EDGAR A. SMITH, F.Z.S. [Eeceived October 15, 1888.] The only species of Land-shells at present recorded from Christmas Island are the two Succineae and the two forms of Melampus obtained by the officers of H.M.S. < Flying-Fish,' and recorded in the «Proceedings ' of this Society, 1887, pp. 517-518 \ _ . _ Only one of these, Succinea solidula, Pfr., was obtained by Mr. Lister; who, however, succeeded in discovering seven additional species, four of which appear to be new to science. The following is a list of all the known species :- 1. ARIOPHANTA (MICROCYSTIS) NOKMANI, sp. n. 2. ARIOPHANTA (MICROCYSTIS) MABELE, sp. n. 3. ARIOPHANTA (MICROCYSTIS) MILDRED_E, sp. n. 4. SUCCINEA SOLIDULA, Pfeiffer. 5. SUCCINEA SOLITARIA, Smith. 6. SUCCINEA LISTERI, sp. n. 7. PYTHIA SCARABCEUS, Linn. 8 MELAMPUS LUTEUS, Quoy & Gaimard. 9. MELAMPUS FASCIATUS, Deshayes. 10. TRUNCATELLA VALIDA, Pfeiffer. 11. LEPTOPOMA MOUHOTI, Pfeiffer, var. The Pythia, the two Melampi, and the Truncatella are all widely ranging species, occurring in the Malay Archipelago and Polynesia. The Leptopoma, if I am right in its identification, occurs also in Camboja ; and the remaining species, although at present known only from Christmas Island, may also have a wide distribution, as allied forms exist in the Philippines, Moluccas, &c. 1 I take this opportunity of altering the name of the new species of Littorina described P. Z. S. 1887, p. 519. Eeeve having already employed the name grano-costata, T propose to call the species from Christmas Island L. insularis. |