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Show WA WA rlefs-he made the pur Nor was he {atisfi profefiion of the g {pel gi give ay to fuperftitio and idolatry, ¢ he had power to expel th one, and ef Atterbury to the tribunes of th Th people alfo to the time wh wway to others giv I woul t courfe to give wa Savift argu migh Saift very well upon the fame fubjeét 8. Courfe; regular progreflion 9. Courfe or progrefs confidered as obfiruéted or hindered The imagination being naturally tumultuous interpofeth itfelf without afking leave, caftin thoughts in our way, and forcing the underftanding to refle€t upon them Duppa 10. Tendency to any meaning, or a& There is nothing in the wotds that founds tha way, or points particularly at perfecution. Arterb 11. Accefs; means of admittance my way wit pirate at liberty, 'twas faid, having mad fom foreig prince, I'would tur Raleigh 12. Sphere of obfervation Thef inguifition are never without bafenefs and very often ufelefs to the curious inquirer. Fo men ftand upon their guards againft them, layin all their counfels and fecrets out of their way Taylor's Rule of Holy Living The general officers and the publick minifter that fell in my way, were generally fubjeét to th gout Temple 13. Means mediat inftrument inter mediate ftep Locke a creatur with more eways to convey int the underftandi R th than thofe five notice of corporeal things has given to man Locke 14. Method ; fcheme of management He durft not take open way againft them, an 2s hard it was to take a fecret, they being fo continually followed by the beft, and every way ableft of that region Sidney A phyfician, unacquainted with your body, ma put you in-a zway for a prefent cure, but over throweth your health in fome other kind. Bacon Will not my yielded crown redeem my breath Still am I fear'd ? is there no eway but death As by calling evi fented to himielf i calling good evil, h in the way of flander Now what impiou Daniel good, a man is mifreprethe way of flattery; fo b is mifreprefented to other South's Sermons ways my wifhes took How they the monarch, and the man forfook Prior 15. Private determination ; particular wil or humour He was of an high mind, and loved his own wil an his way as on that revered himfelf would reign indeed an Bacon IfI had my avay He had mew'd in flames at home, not in the fenate I had fing'd his furs by this time 16. Manner 3 mode Having loft the way of noblenefs to climb to the height of terriblenefs n, muft needs acknowledg th mf lr O in-the number of the blind, that will‘;ot em:eriv. God's rc'fi Matter of mirt Milton or pla of life, conduét o altion Ben Fonfor's Cataline She with a calm careleflnefs let every thin flide, as we do by their fpeeches, who neither i matter nor perfon do any 'way belong unto us Sidney God hath fo many times and ways fpoken t Joen Hoske A plant would have left us, had they only been inftruéte Addifon on Italy in the right wway 19. Procefs of things good or ill The affairs here began to fettleiin a profperou Heylin way 20. Right method to aé or know we thin out of the zwvay, whe that things contain within themfelves the qualitie Locke that appear to us in them They are more in danger to go out of the way who are marching under the conduét of a guid that will miflead them, than he that has not ye taken a ftep, and is likelier to enquire after th right zay Locke Rowe Men who go out of the way to hint free things muft be guilty of abfurdity, or rudenefs. Clarifa 22. By the way connection wit Withou any neceflar e the main defign paffant Note, by the way, that unity of continuanc eafier to procure, than unity of fpecies i Baconw's Natural Hiffory Will. Honeycomb, now on the verge of three{core, afked me, in his moft ferious look, whethe I would advife him to marry lady Betty Single who, by the way, is one of the greateft fortune about town Spectator 23. 7o go or come one's way, or ways ; t come along, or depart A familia phrafe Nay, come your ways This is his majefty, fay your mind to him. Shak To a boy faft afleep upon the brink of a river fortune came and wak'd him; prithee get up, an go thy ways, thou 'lt tumble in and be drown' elfe L Efirange 24. Way and ways are no corruptly for awz/e ofte ufe Butif he fhall any 2vays make them void afte he hath heard them, then he fhall bear her iniquity Numbe XXXs 15 They ere€t conclufions no wway inferrible fro their premifes Brown's Vuigar Errours Being fent to reduce Paros, he mitook a grea fire at a diftance for the fleet, and being no way a match for them, fet fail for Athens Saift "Tis no way the intereft even of priefthood Wa'yBREAD 7. fo [plantage. Pope A plant Ainfworth Waxyra'RER. 7. o [way and fare, to go. Paffenger traveller Howfoever, many awayfarers make themfelve glee, by putting the inhabitants in mind of thi privilege whoagain, efpecially the women, forflo o not to bain them [way an @.2 M l y /zz},‘]v watch infidioufly in the Way5 to befe By ambafh I will wvaylay thee going home, where if it chance to kill mc,--r.hcmg ki me like l;brig Shakefpeare _ The employment of money is chiefly merchan Milton All human thought comes fhort When a man fees the prodigious expence ou forefathers have been at in thefe barbarous buildings, one cannot but fancy what miracles the are quit YLAY ToW and a villain To attai The height and depth of thy eternal ways W Hammond's B undamem:[ V/;:'&YFA RIN GTREE.fl.f.[«vi&urnum,Lat To feed her foolifh humour and vain jolliment Spenfer Taugh Tolive th' eafieft way, not with perplexing thoughts 18. Metho hcAYi:: 2 ¥ : nn; G- « adj./ Travelfi1ng; paflin journey They to whomallthis is reveale s if they will no be direCted into a path fo plane that the wayfaring men, though and finoothed fo ls (hal err there ftrov Sidney h 21. General fcheme of aéting What conceivable ways are there, whereby w thould come to be aflured that there is fuch a being as God Lillotfon A child his mother fo well inftrutted this wa in geography, that he knew the limits of the fou to mak 17. Method ; manner of prattice Addif his invention of them, is what we :ul.mirc And point an eafy way to happinefs . Dryden It is not impoflible to Go have not fomething in their qway of thinking o Speétator exprefling, that is entirely their own His ay of exprefling and applying thent, no By me they offer all that you can afk By noble ways we conqueft will prepare Firft offer peace, and that refus'd, make war parts of the world ¥ew writers make an extraordinary figure, wh She could devife, and thoufand wways inven But give me leave to feize my deftin'd prey And let eternal juftice take the gvay Dryden Being onc WA Carew. dizing or purchafing and ufury waylays both; i dulls and damps all induftries Ba;.m How thou lurk'f In valley or green meadow, to wayla Some beauty rare Milton's Paradife Regained Now on their coafts our conquering navy rides Waylays their merchants, and their land befets, Each day new wealth without their care provides They lie afleep with prizes in their nets. Dryden Like hunted caftors, confcious of their frore Their waylaid wealth to Norway'scoafts they bring WavrLa'yER. # /. [from wayley. who waits in ambuth for another Wa'YLESs untracked adj. [from way. Dryden On Pathlefs When on upon my waylefs wall As my defires me draw I, like a madman, fell to tal With every thing I faw Drayt. Cynthia Wa'yMARK. 7. /. [way and mark.] Mat to guide in travelling Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps. | Fers XXXl 2 7o WayMEe'NT. . 2. [pa, Saxon. lament, or grieve Obfolete T What boots it to weep and to wayment When ill is chanc'd, but doth the ill increafe And the weak mind with double woe torment Spenfer WA'YWARD. zdj. [pa, woe, and peab Froward; peevifh; morofe Saxon. vexatious ; liking his own way That night, the elder it was, the more wayw‘am Sidney it fhewed itfelf towards them How wwayward is this foolifh love That, like a tefty babe, will fcratch the nurfe And prefently, all humbled, kifs the rod! Shat Wayward beauty doth not fancy move A frown forbids, a {mile engendereth love, Fairfax To mifchief bent He feldom does a good with good inten Wayward, but wife 5 by long experience taugh To pleafe both parties, for ill ends he fought Dryden WA'YWARDLY adv [from wayward Frowardly ; perverfely Waywardly proud 3 and therefore bold, befan S'd"fff extremely faulty Howfoever, fome will ftill be wayaardly dif pofed; yet if fuch as be in authority wil do their duties, they may by convenient dxf;:rlplme‘be i‘eP removed elfe o fy ith within the bounds of modefty, o Whitgif Wa'YWARDNESS. # /. [from awayward. Frowardnefs ; perverfenefs Such the behaviour of ladies, as builded thel chaftity not upon waywardnefs, but choice grp thinefs The beft of his time hath been but rafl"a muft"w look fro his age to recetve no %? io di co t a g e lo o n i e r p i th ¢ infirm and cholethe unruly wayzwardne/s th Shakfop :fl:{ rick years bring |