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Show UNT UN n l a f p Can he n l r Nor farther yet in liqui pain'd fome wnfrequented place a Blackmore fel With what caution does the hengprovide her Uxca'rn Unca'inry. Uxca'Lren defire death, and not wafieBrown's Vulgar Errours They, like Judas quently p'urfue Unerie''NDED. adj. Wantin uncountenanced ; unfupported t g N t l v T p e a S cb t ; i h u g:fi;fidg Great alts require great means of ‘cn.t(‘l'prlzcl; l M h r b o l d n i f u n o k u ar o T o O God y w o ' n w b f t g o b e n i f u m W , (. ). D, s e f p t e t f m The kingdom o 7 /o [from unfriend UsFRIE'NDLINESS b.] Want of kindnefs ; want qf favgpr You might be apt to look upon fuch difappointments as the effeCs of an unfriendlinefs in na ]};)v,'g ture or fortune to your particular attempts Usrrie'npLY not kind No adj benevolent What fignifies an unfriendly parent or brother *Tis friendfhip only that is the cement which ef Gow. of the Tongue fe@tively combines mankind This fear is not that fervile dread, which flie from God as an hoftile, unfriendly being; delight wrei Rogers ing in the mifery of his creatures UNFRO'ZEN. adj Not congealed to ice Though the more aqueous parts will, by th lofs of their motion, be turned into ice, yet th more fubtile parts remain xafrozen Boyle adj UNFRUITFUL Ah{ hopelefs, Iafting flames! like thofe tha bur To light the dead, and warm th' unfruitfz/ urn wsz P Lepe g Not fru@iferous The naked rocks are not unfruitful there Their barren tops with lufcious food abound @. 4 To expand fold; to open Adilt to un The next motion is that of unfurling the fan in which are feveral little flirts and vibrations Addifon Her thips anchor'd, and her fails anfurl' In'either Indies Prior His fails by Cupid's hand unfur/'d To keep the fair, he gave the world To Unru'rNisH Prior . 4 1. To deprive; to firip; to diveft UNGA'THERED picked For who adj Not cropped; no Unfurnifp me of reafon 2. To leave naked Shakefp. Winter's Tale The Scot on his unfurnifp'd kingdo ame pouring like a tide into a breach Shakefp NFURNISHED. adj 1 + Not accommodate with utenfils decorated with ornaments o Gh derogates not more from the goodnefs o od, that he bas given us minds unfurnifp'd wit thofe ideas of himfelf, than that he hath ent us inY the world with bodies unclothed Locke live in the corner of a vaft enfurnifl'd houfe t i S Unfupp]ied For Carians, and th> ungirt Numidian race. Dryd Unci'vixe UNGE'NERATED. adj ing no-beginning Thi UnGE'NERATIVE adj thing Begettin He is a motion ungenerative, that' no infallible Shakefpeare UNGE'NEROUS. ad) 1. Not noble; not ingenuous; notliberal To look int nial air than any part of Ireland. = Savift to Pope Sullen feas that wafh th' ungenial pole. Thogfo Harfh ; rude; rugged Smile, gentle heaven ! or ftrike, ungentle death For this world frowns, and Edward's fun is clouded Shakefpeare UnGe'NTLEMANLY adj Whe becoming a gentleman no UnGE'NTLENESS. 7. / up, holding forth his hand #ngloved, and in poftur of blefling Bacon 7o UncLu'e cemented With twitches and patches as broad a Let not fuch ungentlencfs happen to thine L ‘Tuj]i‘i' 2. Unkindnefs ; incivility You have done me much ungentlenef To fhew the letter that I writ to you Harfhly Shakefpeare rudely ungently, Brutus Shakefpeare's Tempeft Nor was it ungently. received by Lindamira Arbuthnot and Pope UnceoME'TRICAL. adj.. Not agreeabl to the laws of geometry All the attempts before Sir ifaac Newton, to explain the regular appearances of natute, were ungeometrical, a i all of them inconfiftent and uninCheyne ‘telligible Unc1'LpEep. adj. Not overlaid with gold You, who each d Likze:Nero's palace @. a. 'To loofe any thin Small rains relax an vent to inflamed atoms unglue the earth, to giv Harwey on toe7 Plague She ftretches, gapes, ungites her eyes And afks if it be time to rife To diveft of divinity Were we waken'd by this tyranny T" ungod this child again, it could not b 1 thould love her, who loves not me DD?.'L': Thus men ungodded may to places rife And fects may be preferr'd without difguife. Diryd Unco'privy. adv. Impioudly ; wickedly 7 *Tis bu a ill effay of that godly fear, to ul that very gofpel fo irreverently and zngedlily Unco'prLiness 7 / Government of the Tongue Impiety wicked nefs ; negleét of God How grofsly do many of us contradi&t the plai precepts of the gofpel by our ungsdlinef and worldly lufts Tillotfon adj 1. Wicked ; negligent of God and kis laws Had driven out th'> ungodly from his fight And the habitations ¢ th t. Milt. Par. Lo The finner here intended is the ungodly finner he who forgets or defies his God Rogers 2. Polluted by wickednefs Wear out in peace not thy fheepe, when ye take off his cote aav near to his chair, he ftoo Let not the hours of this angedly da 1. Harfhnefs ; rudenefs; feverity UnGe'~NTLY that, out o His juft, avenging ir The demeanor of thofe under Wailer was muc more ungentlemanly and barbarous Clarendon This he contrzdiéts in the almanack publifhe for the prefent year, and in an ungentlemanly manner Swift Rewar we were com Denbam's Sophy. ! Unco'pLy Illiberal hymns Uxcro'veD. adj. Having the hand naked to nature Love, to thee I facrific an Hooker Addifon northern fhires have a more cloudy, unge Dryd fo plentiful a treafure, there might be' for ever man's heart to chufe out for his own facrifice adj. Not kind or favourabl UnGEe'wTLE. adj variety of pfalm Zo Unco'p. @. a The vi€tor never will impofe on Cat Ungenerous terms His enemies. confef The virtues of humanity are Cafar's Uwce'N1arL muc Pope 2. Ignominious a vow with empty hands Left God fhould be any way unmglorified, th greateft part of our daily fervice confifteth, according to the blefled apoftle's own precife rule, i letters already opened or dropped is held an ungenerous atkt 'tis to mak Uncro'sTriep. adj. Not honoured; no exalted with praife and adoration Unbegotten 3 hav Millions of fouls muft have been ungenerated and have had no being Raleigh's Hiflory of the World adj. Not bringing gifts In vain at fhrines th' ungiving (uppliant ftands fo late th' #ng: tber'd apples hung H Dryden Stole from my bed Shakefpeare's Fulins Cafar Why fpeaks my father fo ungently Thy fpeeche Mulciber affigns the proper plac Shakefpeare We wonder'd why fhe kept her fruit fo long Youv Will bring me to confider that which m Loofely drefled One tender foot was bare, the other fhod Her robe ungirt Waller Being without gar Vicious, ungentle, foolifhly blunt, unkind ~ 4. Not producing good effeéts UNruLry'eLep. adj Not fulfilled ToUnru'rr adj All my ungentle thoughts Fierce cefire Stll unfulfilled with pain of longing, pines UncG1'rRT. adj He i Lay down fome general rules for the knowing o fruitful and unfruitful foils Mortimer's Hufb 4 unwounded You chid at Sir Protheus for going ungartered Waller 3. Not fertile Unhurt For fome muft watch, whiltt fome muft fleep So runs the world away. Shak. Hamlet. Th .t 1. Not prolifick ftraw and provender Genefis, X%iv. 32 The bleft paren Ungirt her fpacious bofom, and difcharg' Pricr The pond'rous birth Sawif ters ided and unfriended, often prov adji UNGA'RTERED friends Thefe parts tola 1&1‘apgcr The man ungirded his camels, and gave the ward ; uncouth Let the fivicken deer go weep The hart ungalled play UNFREQUENTLY. adv. Not commonly 4. [ungeng, Sax.} Awk An ungainly firut in their walk free from noife an usfrequented ace aneft in Addifon UN can theatres behold ni 1 with goid Our mean, ungilded {tage will {corn Dryden 7o Unc1'rp. @w. a. To loofe any thin bound with a girdle UnGo'RED adj Unwounded Skakefpeare unhurt I ftan aloof, and will no reconcilement *Till, by fome elder mafters of known honour I have a voice and precedent of peace T kee m nam ungor'd Shakefpeare' Hamlet UNGO'RGED. adj Not filled'; not fated The hell-hounds as ungorg'd with fleth and blood Purfu their prey Dryden g0g'd appetite! O ravenous thirk Of a fon's blood Swith's Pbadra-and Hippolytuss Unco'r. adj 1. Not gained; not acquired 2, Not begotten He is as fre As fhe from on His loins ye His glory in th from touch or foil with her ung Shakefp. Meaf. for Meaf full of ungas princes;. al bud Waller UNGO'VERNABLE. adj 1. Not to be ruled ; not to be reftrained They'll judge every thing by model of thei wh; and thus are rendered unmanageable by an authority, and ungovernable by other laws but thof of the fword Glanwille 2. Licentious ; wild ; unbridied So wild and-#ngoverngble a poet cannos be tranflate |