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Show QU QU put In caufes of ficlt inflance and fimple guerele None but fuch as this bold ape unbleft Ayliffe only \QUE'RENT. 7. /- [guerens, Lat. %1 Tcomplainant; the plaintiff Shake[peare Cur own earth would be barren and defolate without the benign influence of the folar ‘rays which without gueftion is true of all the othe Tothee I know this gt¢ft of yours and free inten Following Denbam QuErRIMO NIOUSNESS. 7./. [from gueri"monious.] Complaining temper Vi, QuERiST, 7. /o [from quero, Latin,) i . An enquirer Th rathe Shake[peare Some apple-colour'd cor Ground in fuir guernsy, and fome did fpindles turn «Querro Spanifh. waiftcoat [corrupted fro z. / wal i guerpo Dryden QuERRY, for equerry. n. f. [ecuyer, Fr. wiadl A groom belonging to a prince, or on clean.sh data import.tsv out README converfant in the king's ftables, an ~ having the charge of his horfes; alfo th ftable of a prince Que'RuLOUSs Bailey adj [querulus Latin. . work the fubverfion of their ftate, till the tim ;. beforementioned was expired Hooker 1. The preflures of war have cowed their fpirits, a . may be gathered fro « words, whic the guerulous tone fallen the ver prolat i accen of thei a whinin kind o as if @ill complaining and creftHowel's Pocal Forcf Though you give no countenance to the com , Plaints of the guerulous, yet curb the infolence o the injurious Locke ¢ QueRuLoUSLY. adw [from guerslous. In a complaining manner QUERULOUSNESS Young n./. [from quernlous. Habit or quality of complaining mourn fully QJE'R_Y. n. /. [from guzre, Latin. queftion; an enquiry to be refolved ., Thall conclude, with propofing only fome qite 7ies, In order to a farthe others fearch to be made b WNezvton ¢ This fhews the folly of this query, that migh ‘ always be demanded, that would impioufly an . abfurdly attempt to tie the arm of omnipotenc : ,frox',n'doing jany thing at all, becaufe it can neve doits utmoft Bentley ' T Qui'ry. a. 4, [from the noun. - afk queftions : T Three Cambridge fophs Each prompt t‘o query anfwer and debate YEST. m./. [quefte, French. 1. Search; 2@ of fecking QuesT the noun. QuestanT w. n [quéter French To goin fearch 2. /. [from guefler Pope 7o QUE'sTION 1. To enquire 1. Interrogatory fro Fr. fom difciples and the Jews about purifying to af 7o Qu Bacon of John' Fobn you roya [gqueftionner thoughts mak th caf Whither T go Shakejpeare's Henry V This conftru&ion is not fo undubitably to b received as not at all to be gueffioned Brows Savift 2. To doubt; to be uncertain of 3 controverfy ; difpute O impotent eftate of human life Where fleeting joy does lating doubt infpire And moft we gueftion what we moft defire. Prior T have no confidence in; to mentio as not to be trufted Be a defign never fo artificially laid, if it chance to be defeated by fome crofs accident, the ma is then run down, his counfels derided, his prudence gueftioned, and his perfon defpifed South 'Tis time for him to fhew himfelf, when hi very being is called in gueffion, and to come an QuUE'sTIONABLE. adj. [from gueftion. 1. Doubtful 5 difputable begin to doubt wheTillot[on doubt of their being native imprefion w. a Be now the father, and propofe a fon Hear your own dignity fo much prophan'd And then imagine me taking your part And in your pow'r {o filencing your fon. Shake[p But hark you, Kate I muft not have you henceforth gueffion me This is not my writing Though T confefs much like the charatter But out of gueftion *tis Maria's band. Shake[peare Th STION Ruefltio How eafy is it for a man to fill a book wit quotations, as you have done, that can be conten with any thing, however forcign to the gueftion Waterlard judge the world, when me ther he made it @. #. [from the noun. 1. To examine one by queftions In points of honour to be try'd 5. Doubt Shakefpeares You may as well ufe queition with the wolf ‘Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb Shakefpeare 4. Affair to be examined Suppofe the gueflion not your own i I pray you think you gucffion with a Jew )'OUT arofe a gucftion betwee No z. To debate by interrogatories It is to be put to gueftion, whether it be lawfu for chriftian princes to make an invafive war fimpl Ther a& of feeking. Unreafonable fubtility will @#ill feem' to be reafoning; and at leaft will queffion, when it canno anfwer Holyday Bacon 3. A difpuate ; a fubjet of debate Atterbury's Prefate Bacon's Effays gueflions, it is more reafon for the entertainment o the time, that ye alk me quoflions, than that I af for the propagation of the faith in place tions to the {kill of the perfons whom he afketfr French leaft is fitte thei He that gueftioncth much ‘fhall learn much, ‘an content much 5 but efpecially if he apply his quef any thing enquired Becaufe he that knowet by the Locic Suddenly out of this delightful drca The man awoke, and would have gueftion'd mor But he would not endure the woful theme. Spenfer Shakefpeare [queffion but delivere But altogether lacks the abilitie That Rhodes is drefs'd in See, that you com Not to woo honour, but to wed it; whe The braveft gueftant fhrinks, find what you feek QUE'STION. #. / queflio, Lat. he had proved the matter in guz/ For that it frands not in fuch warlike brace Seeker; endeavourer after That fame may cry you loud that the cere As it more concerns the Turk than Rhodes So may.he with more facile gueffion bear it Herbert 2. Enquiry ; difquifition As unoil'd hinges, queruloufly fhrill ufe folicitation Gad not abroad at every guef and cal Of an untrained hope or pafiion by chance 9. Endeavour Run with thefe falfe and mott contrarious gueff Upon thy doings Shakefp. Meafure for Meafure defire fubjett of prefen where they profefs to ftate the points in gueflion Shakefp. Rickard 111 you His wounded ears complaints eternal fill pen Colle&tively 5. Requeft th Nor are thefe affertions that dropped fro O place and greatnefs ! millions of falfe eye Are ftuck upon thee; volumes of repor Although they were a people by nature hardhearted, guerulous, wrathful, and impatient of ref and quietnefs, yet was there nothing of force t tion 4. Enquiry ; examination Mourning; whining; habitually com- plaining weighty money You have been hotly call'd for When, being not at your lodging to be found The fenate fent above three feveral gueft To fearch you out Shakefpeare's Othello like to pu faries would grant Hooker If it would purchafe fix fhillings and three-pence What's my offence Where is the evidence, that doth accufe me ‘What lawful gugf? have given their verdié u 3. Searchers fufficien monies in gucflion are godly, comely, decent, protable for the church, their reply is childifh an unorderly to fay, that we demand the thing im gueftion, and fhew the poverty of our caufe, th goodnefs whereof we are fain to beg that our adver An empannelled jury Unto the frowning judge is onl If we being defendants do anfwer I fee there are fome f Spectator 2. [For ingueff. cuerpo becauf light cafed rabit, without his holy fur upon his back " this 8. State of bein enquiry In gueft of prey, and lives upon his bow But better practifes thefe boafted virtues Chapman A drefs clofe to the body; I would fain fee hi not a prefamptio the pe:fon to the rack or gucflion, according t tae civil law, and not bring him to condemnation Ayliffe's Parergon and the void immenf Skim milk, and fometimes labour in the guern Saxon. deep 7. Examination by torture Suc Addifon We fee them ative and vigilant in gueff of de Swifr's Myfcellanies clean.sh data import.tsv out README And bootlefs make the breathlefs hufwife churn . Milton ftrait becam [cpeopn Quern. #. / /" handmill Whofoever be found guilty, the communio book hath deferved lcatt, to be called in gueffion fo this fault Hogoker the gueft of fome ftray ewe earneft in guef? of it Woodward There's not an African That traverfes our vaft Numidian defart . A ftealing brook unfounde LBentley 6. Judicial trial To fearch with wand'ring g2/ a place foretol Should be Milton's Paradife Loft "T'would be not &range, thould we find Paradife at this day where Adam left it; and I th an afker of queftions . Impatient of all anfwers WL as fcem'd One for al Myfelf expofe, with lonely fieps to trea 1 fhall propofe fome confiderations to my gentl Speciator querif The juggling fea god, when by chance trepan ', By fome inftru€ted guerif? leeping on the ftrand ) i planets Wasall in honour and devotion meant To the great miftrefs of your princely fhrine. Milt An aged man in rural weeds myfelf addrefling dear Thom Moft gucr}monioufly confefling Fair filver bufkin'd nymphs Queruloudly; with complaint is fironger againft thefe moral prin ciples than the other; not that it brings their trut at all in guefbion Locke Where fhould he find it fairer than in Blanch adj. [querimonia QI_JERIMO'NIOUS % TLatin.] Querulous; complaining oi e q r [ . _ ' a $ " on the mind Can ever thrive in that unlucky gueft Sperfer If lufty love fhould go in qucft of beauty, wious. QU h Your accuftomed clgmency will tak in goo worth |