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Show PA l i f p PA'sSIBLE. 4dj. o bilis, Lati from external agents perfpicuity 4 held even deity itf nal agents It drew after it the herefy of the paffiblencfs o the deity; the deity of Chrift was become, _in thei conceits, the fame nature with the humanity tha B ;'cm;wood . Pa'ssiNG. participial adj. [from pafs. % . Supreme; furpafling others ; eminent No ftrength of arms fhall win this noble fort Or fhake this puiffant wall, fuch pajfizg migh Have fpells and charms, if they be faid aright to enforce th Exceeding meaning of another word Shakefpeare Oberon is paffing fell and wroth Paffing many know it : and fo many That of all nations there abides not any From where the morning rifes and the fu To where even and night their courfes run' Chapman Many in each region ga/fing fai As the noon fky 3 more like to goddefie Milton's Paradife Loft Than mortal creatures She was not only paffing fair But was withal difcreet and debonnair Dryden Full foon by bonfire and by bell We learnt our liege was paffing well t prayer obtai th fo pafling foul: it is often ufed for th bell which rings immediately afte death Thofe loving paper Thicken on you now, as pray'rs afcen To heaven in troops at a good man's paffingbell Donn. 4 A talk of tumult, and a breat Would ferve him as his paffingbell to deaths Daniel Before the paffingbell begun The news through half the town has run. Sawift - PA'SSION. 2. /. [paffion, French; pafio latin. L. Any effeCt caufed by external agency A body at reft affords us no idea of any activ power to move an when fet in motion ther a paffion-than an a&ion in i it is ra Locke 2. Sufceptibility of effet from externa action ‘Tbc differences of mouldable and not mouldable fCJffiblc and not {ciflible, and many other paffion of matter, are plebeian notions, applied to the infiru!:fl@nts-men oxdinarily psatife Bacon 3. Violent commotion of the mind All the other paffions fleet to air As doubtful thoughts and rath embrac'd defpair Shakefpeare Thee every. thing becomes, to chide, to laugh To weep: whofe every paffion fully ftrive To make itfelf in thee tair and admired. Shakefp I am doubtful lef You break into fome merry paffio And fo offend hi Zeal ; ardour Wher ftatefme For ever now to have their lot in pain AI;"W"'S too fierbcc to be in-fetters bound Milton ane mture flies him like enchanted ground. Dryd the art of shetorick befides order an not daughter He Dryden and Lee's Oedipus to grate me more Rozve Survey yourfelf, and then forgive your {lave Think what a paffion fuch a form muft have Granwville cloaths a little of that violent paffion for fin fo predominant in your fex Saift 8. Emphatically The laft fufferin the Redeemer of the world o He thewed himfelf alive after his paffion, by man infallible proofs Abtsy 1o 3 fincer judgment withou eithe prejudice or mift of paffionate afteCtion ciou o Hazker Thucydides obferves, that men are much mor paffionate for injuftice than for viclence; becauf the one coming as from an equal feems rapine when the other proceeding from one ftronger i but tha effect of neceflity Clarendon In his prayers, as his attention was fixt an fteddy, fo was it inflamed with paffionate fervors Goce angels looke upo Fell this fhip of Noah' To love with fome paffionatenefs the- perfon yo would marry, is not only allowable but expedient .B'{yfc PA'SSIVE guilt, fuch a paffionate degree of concern and. remorfe, that, if ten thoufand ghoits had appeare to them, they fcarce could have had a fuller conAtterbury vi€tion of their danger 2. Eafily moved to anger Homer' High above the groun Their march was, and the paffive air upbor Their nimble tread Milton's Paradife Loff The active informations of the intelle&, fillingthe paffive reception of the will, likeiform clofing with matter, grew atuate into a third and diftiné perfection of praétice South As the mind is wholly paffive in the reception of all its fimple ideas, fo it exerts feveral a&ts of it own, whereby, out of its fimple ideas, the othe is formed Locke The wis inerti is a paffive principle by whic bodie tio refif cipl tio and-arrogan arms Great pleafure mix'd with pitiful'regard That godly king and queen did paffionare Whilit they his pitiful adventures heard That oft they did lament his lucklefs ftate. Spenfer With folded arms Skakefpeare's Titus Andronicus in proportion to the force imprefling it, an as much as they are refifted: by this prinalone, there never could have been any moin the world Nezvtor's Opticks 3. Suffering; not a&ting 4. [In grammar. As verb paffiv is that whic or the effect of action Pa'ss1vELY. adv fignifies pafiio as doceor, I am taught Clarke's Latin Grammare [from tafive. 1. With a paflive nature Though fome are paffiwely inclin'd The greater part degenerate from their kind. Dryd 2. Without agency A man may not.only. paffively and involuntaril be rejected, but alo.may, by an aé of his own caft. out or rejeét himfelf Pearfor: Pa'sstveness. #. /. [from paffive. 1. Quality of receiving: impreflion fro externa agents z. Paffibility ;. power of fuffering W {izall lofe our paffivenefs with our.-being, and be as incapable of fuffering as heaven can make us Decay of Pietye 3. Patience Gravit difcretion calmnefs and V¢ #¢fs in- children is not from but phlegme Fél Passi'virx. z /. [from pafive. nefs An innovated word Ther being no mea impenetrability betwee betwee pa Pafiive penetrability and t an ativity, thefe being contrary and oppofite, the infinite rarefaction of the one quality is the pofition of its con 2, To exprefs paffionately Thy. niece and'I want hands And cannot paffionate our tenfold grie receive mo Not thofe alone, who paffive own her laws But who; weak rebels, more advance her caufe Pope i Prior perfift in their motion or reft 2. Unrefifting; not oppofing Achilles is haughty and pafisnate, im patient of any reftraint by laws adj. [ pafif, Frenc ; paffivus Latin. 1. Receiving impreflion from fome exter-nal agent Burnet with a paffionate concern for its fafety Men, upon the near approach of death, hav been rouzed up into fuch a lively fenfe of thei L'Effrange Pa'ssioNaTENESS. 7. /. [from paffionate. 1. State of being fubjeét to paflion 2. Vehemence of mind For Thefeus' perjury and unjuft flight Shakefp Pa'sston-rLOWER . / [granadilla an has loft his hold They lay the blame on the poor little ones fometimes paffionately enough, to divert it fromthemfelves Locke *Twas Ariadne paffionin My whole endeavour is to refolve the confcience and to fhew what, in this controverfy, the hear is to think, if it will follow the light of foun covets any thing he ha 2. Angrily 7o Pa'ssion. @. n. [ paffionner, French from the noun.] 'Fo be extremely-agitated ; to exprefs great commotion o mind Obfolete Latin. A flower Miller Pa'ssion-wEEk., #. /. The week immediately preceding Eafter, named i commemoration of our Saviour's crucifixion Pa'sstoNATE. adj. [ paffionné, French. 1. Moved by paflion; feeling or expreflin great commotion of mind paffionatel Sionately, and difcharge itfelf in never fo man tears, yet it will no more purge a man's heart than the wathing of his hands can cleanfe the rottennefs of his bones outh's Sermons I made Melefinda, in oppofition to Nourmahal, a woman paffionately loving of her hufband patient of injuries and contempt, and conftant i her kindnefs Dryden 7. Eagernefs Abat [from ;flfl'a;zalt. If forrow exprefles itfelf never fo loudly and paf 6. Love 7o Pa'ss10NATE. v, a. [from pafion.] A 1f you thould fmile, he grows impatiens. Shakefp Obfolete old word In lo.vmg thou do'ft well, in paffion ot n paffi wit affeé T 1 Wherein true lov Milton Whoeve are ruled by faction and inte For your love You kill'd her father: you confefs'd you dre A mighty argument to: prove your paffion for th adv 1. With paflion ; with defire, love, o hatred ; with great commotion of miad more limite the affe@ion forrow: bu angers #utts confifts not Cruel his eye, but caf SJgns{oF remorfe and paffion, to hehol The fellows of his crime condemn' Pa'sS10NATELY reft, they can have no paffion for the glory of thei country, nor any concern for the figure it wil make Addifon on Medals Gay Pa'ssinGBELL. 2. /. [paffing and bell. The bell which rings at the hour o departure Anger The word paffion fignifics the receiving any aQion Publickly own'd his paffion for Ameftris Fairfax % g, It is ufed adverbiall 5 thereb Locke in a large philofophical fenfe; in philofophical fenfe, it fignifies any o of human nature; as love, fear, joy the common people confine it only t a m b c c t h b e f f God cannot be faid t i w u r n l o A n a a r t n n v d ' f eth Chr e o H l lf pa/fi . l i f p / 7 Pa'SSIBLENE lity of receiving impreflions from exter enly moves the paffiensy wn mifleads the judgment tha s e t e r e e g t w e u f d r d The *was paffible PA PA' trary V I Sitaios SSQVER 2, epse's Piils) vhical Principles pa/i and over. L O 1. A feal |