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Show W A i n n a e m n v g f r L t 1 will than Here wretched Phlegias warns the world wit truth Could warning make the world more juft or wife Dryden N nity, as well as greater engagements, to provide fo e K Ny A true and plain relation of my misfortunes ma " vy o 2. Previous notice: in a {enfe indifferent Suppofefhe ha\}'le a more lei(}xrely death, tha fome difeafe give him wvarning of its approach, ye erhaps he w%li not underftand that 755;‘)1ing, gu will fill fatter himfelf o WA'RRANT That orde ae xh di 22, b thitsy of thread i the woof texturey mor inwar Be likw We_fi"'%f Bacon's Natural Hiffory ,'110 5 O&'.{‘U"""" Therefore to horfe And let us not be dainty of leave-taking But fhift away: there's awarrant in that theft Which fteals itfelf when there 's no mercy left Fr- to atteft Shakefpeare Locke 3 A CS/MZC 2 ]%;Od"d quarrel Shakefp Macbeth pens Dutch, to throw ; whence we fometimes fay, zbe work cafts. inteftine motion ; to change the pofitio TIT;‘!C (ft‘?r"f"d" is fee 1at jultice arr men in general nt - pannel, and, like green timber, warp to the end o another piece, to keep it from cafting or warping Mixon's Mechanical Exercifes From which we would not have you zwarp Wav'd round the coaft, up call'd a pitchy clou Wha L min 2. To turn afide from the true direion This firft avow'd, nor folly warp'd my mind ‘Nor the frail texture of the female kin war th Dryd ‘.‘xgreatirguyment of the goo&lnefs of his ca[xyfe - which required in its defender zeal, to a degree of warmth a tol warp the facred rule of the word o Locke Ges . T have no private confiderations to warp me i 18 controverfy, fince my firft entering upon it hi f ing S o ang In a plac a galled nec peft Soak Tanpo have we here 's as fmooth as ‘hlk, I‘warrfmt ye Loo Addifon. Brown His meals are coarfe and fhort, his employmen warrantable, his fleep certain and refrefhing South IfI can mend my condition by any warrantabl induftry, the way is fair and open; and that's privilege every reafonable creature has in his commiffion L'Efirange Wa'RRANTABLENESS rantable. 7 /. [from awar Juftifiablenefs By the foil thereof you may fee the noblenefs o my defire to you, and the warrantablenefs of you favour to me Sidney [from aarrant The faith which God requires is only this, tha he will certainly reward all thofe that believe in him, and obey his commandments; but for th particular application of this faith to ourfelves P ROR Sidne P J1C1 that deferves no more of our affent, nor can indeed aarrantably have it, than what is founded upo the ferious confideration of our own performances Wake Wa'RRANTER 7 /. [from warrant. 1. One who gives authority 2. One who gives fecurity WA'RRANTISE z. [, [ warrantifo, la Latin ; from awarrant.] Authority ; fe ye L'Efr curity There 's none proteor of the realm but I' Break up the gates, I'll be your warrantife e s Shakefpeare's Henry V WA'RRANTY 2 [warrantia, law La tin ; garantie, garant, French. 1. [In the common law.] A promife madein a deed by one man unto another, fo Are you now going to difpatch this deed -We are, my lord, and come to have the warrant That we may be admitted where he is himf{elf and his heirs, to fecure him and Shakefpeare's Richard I11 He fent him a warrant for one thoufand pound Clarendon a year penfion for his life his heirs againft all men, for the enjoying of any thing agreed of between them Cowe l, th c juft o offic th givi 2. A wri -z, Authority ; juftificatory mandate. power of caption Her obfequies have been fo far enlarg' There was a damn'd defign, cries one, no doubt For awarrants are already iffued out. Dryd. Fuw Dryden foul to their unjuft decree feared, a Wa'RRANT. z /. [from the verb. i} 1. A writ conferring fome right or authority o Ware. @. a 1. To contrat; to fhrivel oul faid, h I'he Moors kin Is fafe enough, I warrant thmdFor' ogc Milton's Paradife Lof L Nl‘:lt foreign or domeftick treacher tg fecure 5. To declare upon furety 'I:hat o'er the realm of impious Pharaoh hun Betray'd my virtue fh Addi/ 1 cannot be, that I fhould fear to change it. AMilt Of locufts, warping on the eaftern wind clean.sh data import.tsv out README Like night To purchafe a clear and warrantable body o truth, we muft forget and part with much w Wa'RRANTABLY. adv able. Juftifiably Lefs warranted than this, or lefs fecure little warping and declenfion towards the creatur as is poffible Of Amram's fon, in Egypt's evil da war n \RANACR This wg fhould do as direcly as may be, wi)th The potent ro whom I This 2 is ftrange ! methink My favour herf. begins to awarp Skakefpeare All atteft this doétrine, that the pope can giv away the right of any fovereign, if he fhall never { little 2warp Dryden here coming qoarra Shak 3. To turn, I know not well the meanin '1;0 exempt 5 tthrIVllege f m ER RG you PSR from metancholy in yourfelf There 's our commiffio an ";I hc(f t};oufc;}x;s c?nrnggz in .th;stgorl;r lone(lixr;eils( 2. To lofe its proper courfe or direction e ?';510"5' that wildom guide foon as he knew me by the armour, had not zwarranted her from that near approaching cruelty Sidney Shakefpeare's As you like it South All elfe is tow'ring frenzy and diftraétion join wainfcot, then one of you will prove a fhrun They clamp one piece of woo WA'RRANTABLE. adj. [from avarrant. Juttifiable ; defenfible know one warrant himfelf in the uf of thofe things againft fuch fufpicions, but in th truft he has in the common honefty and truth o Of:r%]llsefg?:; ffixfig:h;f; Hob tortther as che errd, Jo WARP. @. 2. [peanpan, Saxon; aver- | 3¢ 10How Juica tily.an 1. To change from the true fituation by nr [ga"flflffl' fafely receive it for true T 2. To give i authorit ogeticn: Anditer or more outward Obfolete Shakefpeare's Othello ciples of reafon., or to the word ()fpod, which i attefted revelation, reafon zvarrants it, and we ma The pla in o th tan ible parts in length o T tranfverfe, as it is in the ewarp and the woof o Sauth Of arts inhibited and out of warrant mongft them all more than the mouth of the Lor doth qarrant Hooker _If this internal light be conformable to the prin thing wove hand of Omnipotence For an abufer of the world, a praétice all the myfteries of faith, and not any thing a it at a month's ewarzing 3 in which time it wa wholly written Dryden Warp.7z./. [pgar\p, Saxo werp, Dutch. its warrant from the fam it wa I attach the fo mean, which was warranted by the facred nam of father Sidney He that readeth unto us the Scriptures deliveret either I, or asbad a poet, could have crammed int to brin trude She needed not difdain any fervice, though neve the man excufed bimfelf, that it was a great journey to take upon fo thort a warning. L' Efrange I faw, with fome difdain, more nonfenfe tha «. 7 fo enter as not to in therefore, that this migh 6. Right; legality Duty of Man. | 1. To fupport or maintain Death called upan old man, and bade him come Lah Waller On that relying, all their quarrels end The Jewifh religion. was yet in pofieffion; an PEprE Shakefpeare's f{‘)"' like i as very often fick peopl do, with hopes of life to the laft fes, and unto the prophets who fucccet%ed h1m' both which I take for my warrant to guide me i Raleigh this difcovery His wwarrant does the chriftian faith defend " Beattie Thou doft not bite fo nig As benefits forgot Though thou the waters Warp Thy fting is not fo fhar As friends remember'd not put too much truft in deceitful men Swift's Story of the Injured Lady Kettlewell The place of Paradife might be feen unto Mo Freeze, freeze, thou bitter fky be of ufe and wwarning to credulous maids, never t i 5. Atteftation 3. 1t is ufed by Shate/peare to exprefs th effect of froft Wake our latter end it, tha miftak ignorantl no warrant for us to do fo likewife Watts part (.)f his philofophy o commandment , Ariftotle's moral, rhetorical, and political writIngs, in which his excellent judgment is very littl warped by logical fubtletics, are far the moft ufefu You have fairer wwarning than others who ar unexpectedly cut off, and fo have a better opportu When at any time they either wilfully break an ide, or gay through foll An equal mixture of good-humour And fenfible foft melancholy Swift A conftan watchf ( aga judices that dx;lti;:;x;th};f:‘li)nct(};: %Jfiggnfgl:h:rfiepr& Dryden A Not earp'd by pafiion, aw'd by rumour N or grave throu h p m a P n n o g , e H i t} ight; om the bottom of his breaft f t e p e r w u n u m e t This warsing i cries A t inviolable gra 3. A :fecure TE Hisab i 4 And, but that great command- o'erfways the ordery Shie fhould'in ground unfanétify'd have lodg' i omfllpl‘a]m Sanray that}};k}; M2Me whf‘t we afk w A Jufixficator fhal commiffion Is this a warrant fufficient for any man's confcience to build fuch proceedings upon, as hav been and are put in wie for the cRablithment of tha caufe As we haveawarranty : her death was doubtful; Hoeker Till the laft trump Shake[peare. In the ufe of thofe: epithets we hav the quapr ranty and' confent of allithe churches finc to difobey likewife Kettleqvell they ever had a liturgy Taylor If they difobey any precept, that is no excufe to us, nor gives us any warranty, for company's fake, 3+ Securitys |