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Show S 81THE. 7. /. [yr8e, Saxon ver varioufl hav chofe This word i b writte authors whic i1 the orthograph at once moft fimple and moft agreeabl The inftrument o to etymology. mowing ; a crooked blade joined at righ angles to a long pole bird takes his ftand upo and amufes her with his fongs during the whol Addifon time of her fitting SITUATE. part. adj. [from fitu:,'Lat. 1. Placed with refpet to any thing elfe He wa to chufe a war, rather than t refolve have Bretagne carried by France, being fo grea and opulent a'duchy, and fituate fo opportunely t Bacon annoy England Let fame, that all hunt after in their lives Within a trading town they long abide "Live regifter'd upon our brazen tombs And then grace us in the difgrace of death fpite of cormorant devouring time Full fairly fituate on a haven's fide Dryden's Nun's Pricft Th' endeavour of this prefent breath may bu That honour, which fhall bate his fcythe's kee edge commodioufly fituate, as nothing can be contrive better for ufe, ornament, or fecurity ‘When And make us heirs of all eternity Shakefpeare Time is commonly drawn upon tombs, in gardens an other places, an old man, bald, winged with a fithe and an hour-glafs. Peach. on Drawing There rude impetuous rage does ftorm and fret And there, as mafter of this murd'ring brood ‘Swinging a huge fcithe, ftands impartial death Withendlefs bufinefs almoft outof breath. Crafbazv While the milk-maid fingeth blithe And the mower whets his fcithe Milton The brazen trumpets kindle rage no mor But ufelefs lances into fythes fhall bend And the broad faulchion in a ploughfhare end Pope Grav'd o'er their feats the for of Time wa found His fcythe revers'd, and both his pinions bound But, Stella, fay what evil tongu Reports you are no longer young That Time fits with his fyrhe to mo Where erft fat Cupid with his bow S1THE 7./ Time The foolith ma Obfoiete thereat wox Pope Swift wond'rous blith And humbly thanked him a thoufand firh. Spenfer SI'THENCE. adv. [now contraéted to fince See Since. Since; in latter times This ever-running and wafting of the real was the beginning of all the other evils whic Sfithence have affliéted that land Spenfer's State of Ireland S1'THNESS. adv Since SUTTER. #./. [from f1. 1. One that fits Spenfer The Turks are great /itters, and feldom walk whereby they fweat lefs, and need bathing more Bacon 2. A bird that broods The oldeft hens are reckoned the beft firzers and the youngeft the beft layers. Mort. Hufbandry Si1'rTinG. n. /. [from fit. 1. The pofture of fitting on a feat 2. The a& of refting on a feat Tho rifing knowef m down-firtin an mine upPfalms Few good pictures have been finithed at on " fatting5 neither can a good play be produced at heat Dryden 4. A meeting of an aflembly I'll write you dow The which fhal What you muf I wifh it ma the neceflity o point you forth at every fitting fay Shakefpearz be at that firring concluded, unlef the time prefs it Bacon 5. A courfe of ftudy unintermitted For the underftanding of any one of St. Paul' epiftles, I read it all through atone fitting. Locke A time for which one fits, as at play or work, or a vifit What more than madnefs reigns When one fhort firting many hundreds drains And not enough is left him to fuppl Board-wages, or a footman's livery Dryden 7. Incubation Whift the hen is covering her eggs, The eye is a part fo artificially compofed 2. Placed Earth hat mal an confifting pofition Prince Cefarini has a palace in a pleafant ffruation, and fet off with many beautiful walks Addifon's Italy Condition ; ftate Though this is a fituation of the greateft eaf and tranquillity in human life, yet this is by n means fit to be the fubject of all men's petition Rogers's Sermons to God 3. Temporary ftate ; circumftances Ufe of perfons in a dramatick fcene Six. n. f. [fix, Fr.] Twice three more than five on No incident in the piece or play but muft carr on the main defign; all things elfe are like fix fingers to the hand, when nature can do her wor with five Dryden That of fix hath many refpeéts in it, not onl for the days of the creation, but its natural confideration, as being a perfet number Brown's Vulgar Errours S1x and feven.n. [. 'Tobe at fix and feven is to be in a ftate of diforder and con fufion. A ludicrous expreflion that ha been long in ufe All is uneven And every thing is left at fix and [even In 1588 there fat in the fee of Rom Shakefp a fierc thundering friar, that would fet all at fix and feven or at fix and five, if you allude to his name. Bacos ‘What blinder bargain ere was driv'n Or wager laid at fix and feven Hudibras John once turned his mother out of doors, to hi great forrow; for his affairs went on at_fixes an Arbuthnot The goddefs would no longer wait But, rifing from her chair of ftate Left all below at_fix and feven Harnefs'd her doves, and flew to heav'n Savift half a fhilling Where have you left the money that I gave you Oh !-fixpence that I had Shakefpeare The wifeft man might blufh If D- lov'd fixpence more than he Pope S1xsco'RE. adj. [ fix and feore.] Six time twenty Sixfcore and five miles it containeth in circuit Sandys The crown of Spain hath enlarged the bound thereof within this laft fixfcore years, much gor than the Ottomans Bacon [ rixzyne Saxon, Si It returned the voice thirteen times ; and I hav heard of others that it would return fixteen times If men live fatisfied if the Bacon but twenty years, we fhould b died about fixteen or eighteen ]ehoiar'lb, the fit Taylor ron i SixTH. adj. [yixza, Saxon.] The firft of ter the fifth; the ordinal of fix You are more clement than vile men Who of their broken debtors tak A fixth, letting them thrive again Shaefpears There fucceeded to the kingdom of England James the Sixth, then king of Scotland, Bacon , SixTH. 7. /. [from the adjective.] A fixt part Only the other half would have been a tolerabl " [f i ) L"O and five Jixths of th have been rendered ufelefs Cheyne's Philofopbical Principle SU'XTHLY adv. [from fix. place In the fixt Sixthly, living creatures have more diverfity of organs than plants Bacon SUXTIETH adj. [ yixceozoda, Sazon, The tenth fix times repeated ; the ordi nal of fixty Let the appearing circle of the fire be three fee diameter, and the time of one entire circulation o it the fixtieth part of a minute, in a whole day there will be but 86,400 fuch parts. Dighyon Bodies S1'xTY. adj. [yixag, Saxon. Six times ten When the boats were come within fixty yardso the pillar, they found themfelves all bound, and "* Baun. could go no farther Of which 7 times g, or the year 63, is conceive to carry with it the moft confiderable fatality S1zE. . / Latin 1. Bulk parativ Brown's Vi ulgar E'rfO{l" [ perhaps rather cife, fromincifa or from affife, French. quantity of fuperficies; com magnitude I ever verified m i friends With all the ffze that verit Would without lapfing fuffer. Sbake:[f..Carm/aflllfi If any decaye fhip be new made, it I8 mor?b fiz The diftance judg'd for fhot of ever The linftocks touch 111 Raleig to make her a fize lefs than bigger the pond'rous ball expire Drydens Obje@s near our view are thought greatef th:" thofe of a larger fize, thatare more remote, Lct,l The martial goddefs Like thee, Telemachus, in voice and /izé With fpeed divine, from ftreet to fireet fhe le;' 2. [ fig t In t SUxPENCE. 7. /. [ fix and pence.] A coin SIXTEE'N. adj and ten The firft lot came forth t teenth to Immer whole globe woul Of pleafure fituate in hill and dale. Milt. Par. Loft Sirva'rion. n. [ [from fituate; fituation 2 The fixth after the tenth; the ordi D of fixteen, feat for rational creatures this variety from heav'n B 1. Local refpet adj. [rixeeo$a, Say SIXTEE'NTH Ray on the Creation Jewens 3. A time at which one exhibits himfelf t a painter 6 a neighbouring bough 7 S L nify the al they fay a fiz at *Tis not in the To cu And in conclufion, to oppofe th Agai,nf‘t my coming in bot . Lat Sba. 3. F This ag lefs fize an quality we be en fe di th e fi co n% d e l- 'l r Par a 5 delivered to princes OF P 5 borat ments difcourfes ;i d] ml th fo o and a pr'ain fer lower fize of people 10 i u g O o f v A n i a 4. [ fifa, T {ubftance . u n t r [ a w T» S12E i r c a n r a o f j a 1. T The foxes weigh the geefe they car a ib Hu a r f o u n And, ere they v emfel t K Two troops f g& Tal a u e o Such bodiei s buili t for ftrengt In ftature fiz'd : |