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Show §0 SOURTE. 7. [ [_/'ou.rce, French. Kings that rul Beliind the hidden fources of the Nile. Addif. Cato o Vg, Original Wuw N "y firft caufe chief Milton's Paradife Lofi South Of himfelf is none But thateternal Infinite, and One Who never did begin, who ne'er can end On him all beings, as their fource, depend Famous Greece That fource of art and cultivated thought Diyd w5, '3, Firft producer "Sov'r1sH. adj. [from four. Fr. Waller h Somewha four By diftillation we obtain a fourifb {pirit, whic Boyle will diffolve coral So‘ur. adv. [from four. 1. With acidity ..2.\With acrimony The ftern Athenian princ Dryden's Knight's Tale 4 Then fourly fmil'd So'URNESS. #. /. [from four. «a." Acidity ; aufterenefs of tafte Sournefs confifteth in fome grofinefs of the body and incorperation doth make the mixture of th body more egual, which induceth a milder tafte Bacow's Natural Hiftory I' th* fpring, like youth, it yields an acid tafte " But fummer doth, like age, the fournefs waite Denbam He kne For fruit the grafted pear-tree to difpofe And tame to plumbs the fournefs of the floe Dryden's Virgil "Of acid or four one has a notion from tafle {fournefs being one of thofe-fimple ideas which on tannot defcribe Arbuthnot Has life no Journefs, drawn fo near its end ? Pope 2. Alperity; harfhnefs of temper Pelagius carped at the curious neatnefs of men' apparel ir thofe days, and, through the fournefs o his difpofition, fpoke fomewhat too hardly thereof Houoker He was never thought to be of that fuperftitiou Journefs, which fome men pretend to in religion King Charles Her religion is equally free from the weaknefs o fuperftition and the fournefs of enthufiafm: it is no of an uncomfortable melancholy nature Addifon's Freebolder Take care that no fournefs and morofenefs min gle with our ferious frame of mind So'ursop. #. Jo [guanabanus, Lat. tard-apple #~ Nelfon Cuf It grows in feveral parts of the Spanith WeftIndies, where it is cultivated forits fruits. Miller Sous. 7. /. [fil, Fr. A fmall denomina tion of money / SOUSE. n. /. [ foute, falt, Dutch. /2. Any thing kept parboiled in falt pickle And-he that can réar up a pig in his houfe Hath cheaper kis bacon, and fweeter his foufe. Tuffe All-faints, do lay for pork and foufe For fprats and fpurlings for your houfe o Sousk, @. a. [from the noun. Tuffer 1. To parboil, or fteep in pickle Oil, though it ftink, they.drop by drop impart But foufe the cabbage with a bounteous heart. Pope 2. To throw into water A ludicrous fenfe. l t l a t w t xen;f‘;}lf'Xfiufi: me int d puppies, Shakefpeare sHnorieas they drown blin PUr Vou. II I a no on of the mof Addif. Guardian Zo Souse. w. 7. [Of this word I kno not the original: it muft come fro Jous, or deffous, down, Fr, To fall a a bird on 1ts prey Thus on fome filver fwan, or tim'rous hare Jove's bird comes foufing down fiom upper ai Her crooked talons trufs the fearfnl prey Then out of fight the foars Diryden's Zneid And tender kids with his fharp talons tear Dryden jun 70 Sousk. w. a. To ftrike with fudde violence, as a bird ftrikes his prey The gallant monarch is in arms And like an eagle o'er his airy tow'rs To foufe annoyance that comes near his neft. Shak Sousk. adv. low word With {udde violence Such make a private ftudy of the fireet And, locking full at ev'ry man they mcet Run foufe againft his chaps, who ftands amaz'd To find they did not fee, but only gaz'd ¥iung SO'UTERRAIN. . f. [ fouterrain, Fr.] grotto er cavern in the ground No Englith Ddvences againft extremities of heat, as fhade grottos, or fouterrains, are neceflary prefervatives o health Arbuthnot SOUTH . /. [yu8, $axon; fupd, Dutch Jud, French. 1. The part where the fun is to us at noon oppofed to north Eaft and weft have no certain point of heaven but north and fouth are fixed ; and feldom the fa fouthern people have invaded the northern, bu contrariwife Bucon 2. The fouthern regions of the globe The queen of the fouth From the north to cal Decrepit winter, from the fouth to brin Solftitial fummer's heat Bible Milton 3. The wind that blows from the fouth All the contagion of the fouth light on you You fhames of Rome, you Shakefp. Coriolanus SouTH. adj. [from the noun. Southern meridional One inch of delay more is a fouth fea Ho thy garments are warm whe Shakefp he quietet the earth by the fouth wind Foby xxxvil. 17 Mean while the fouth wind rofe, and with blac wings ‘Wide hovering,all the clouds together drove." Milr SouTH adv His regiment lies half a mil South from the mighty power of the king Shakefpeare's Richard 111 Such fruits as you appoint for long keeping gather in a fair and dry day, and when the win bloweth not fouth Bacon SouTHEA'ST. 7. /. [ fouth and eaf.] 'Th point between the eaft and fouth; th point of winter fanrife The planting of trees warm upon a wall againf the fouth or foutheaft fun, doth haften their ripening Bacon The three feas of Italy, the Inferiour toward the foutheaft, the Ionian towards the fouth, an the northeaft fide, were com manded by three different nations , 2. Lying towards the fou h Unto tuch as live under the pole, that is onl her fou on i tha m th v ab i c wh nor which is below them o vie u giv bill nt co oth Tw moft eafterly, wefterly, and foutkerly parts of En Graunr land 3. Coming from about the fouth Iam but mad north, northweft : when the win is foutherly, I know a hawk from a handiaw Shake[peare's Hamlz So'uTHERN. adj. [puBenne, Saxon; fro Jouth. 1. Belonging to the fouth; meridional Frowning Aufter feeks the [outhern {phere And rots with cendlefs rain th' unwholfome year Dr)'./',r. 2. Lying towards the fouth Why mourn I not for thee And with the fzuthern clouds contend in tears Skake[peare''s Henry NiE 3. Coming from the fouth when fouthern. wind bodies are heavie Men' blow than when northern So'uTHERNWOOD Bacon's Natural Hiftory 7. / [yudennpudu Saxon; abiotanum, Latin. This plant agrees in moft parts with the worm wood, from which itis not eafy to feparateit, llff{[zr Go So'uTHING. adj. [from the noun. ing towards the fouth I will conduét thee on thy way When next the fouthing fun inflames the day Dryden So'uTHING 7 /. Tendency to the fouth Not far from hence, if 1 obferv'd arigh The fouthing of the ftars and polar light Diyden's Zueid Sicilia lies Furthef So'urumosT. adj. [from fouzh. towar the fouth Next Chemos, th® obfcene dread of Moab's fons Aroar to Neboy and the wil Milton Of fouthmeft Abarim So'urusay.n. /. [properly footh/ay.] Predi&ion All thofe were idle thoughts and fantafies Devices, dreams, opinions unfound Shews, vifions, fixrhfays, and prophecies And all that feigned is, as leafings, tales, and lie® Fairy Quecn To So'uTHsAY. v. n. [See SoorHsay. To prediét Young men, hovering between hope and fear might eafily be carried into the fuperftition of fouzhCamden Jaying by names So'uTHsAYER. #. /. [properly jiothfayer See SoornsavyERr. A predicter S0' uTHWARD. 7. /. The {fouthern regions Countries are more fruitful to the fauthevard tha 1. Towards the fouth the Adriatick o T from fouth.] adj. t o t 1. Belong (Clutele n min1 ated from the fouth fouthern Fro 2. From the fouth 4. Pickle made of falt fo tha Butler in wate Jove's bird will foufe upon the tim'rous hare Which they to Rome, and 'Romans hither, brought u i SO'URDET. #. . [from jourd wine. little pipe.of 2 trumpet a boy cafe-hardened of the Ironfides This is the true fource and original of this mif S O'er head and ears in mud and dirt They foufed me over head and ear whe This fecond fource of men, while yet but few With fome regard to what is juft and righ clean.sh data import.tsv out README Shall lead their lives So UTHERLY Who thofe were that run away And yet gave out th' had won the da Although the rabble fous'd them for' Yiq, Spring ; fountain ; head SO SsO Arbutbnat in the northern parts So''vTHwARD adv Raleigh's Hift. of the World [from fouth. To wards the {outh is a A prifoner in a room twenty foot fquare libert to wall twent foot jfiuthward bu no Lacke northward Every life from the dreary month Thomfon's Winter Flies confcious foxthward. SouTHWE'sT [fout 7z / an wefd. Point between the fouth and weft; win ter. fun-fet Phenice is an haven of Crete, and licth towar AEis, xxviie 12 the fouthoeft The planting of trees warm upon a wall again{ the fouth ot foutheaft fun, doth haften their com ing on and ripening; and the foutheaft is found t be better than the fouthaweff, though the fonthwvef Bacon's Natwral Hiftory be the hotter coaft 4 SO'UVE |