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Show SE Q SE BAnd, deep furcharg'd, by fandy mountains li Prior Obfcurely fepulchred tura, Lat. A follower That Niobe, weeping over her children, wa turned into a ftone, was nothing elfe but that during her life fhe ereted over her fepultures a mar Did come to lagguith Sequa'cious. adj. [ fequacis, Lat. i. Following ; attendant Ye facred Nine An angel heard And ftraight appear'd Miftaking earth for heav'n Dryden Above thofe fuperftitious horrours that enflav The fond fequacious herd, te myftick rfajt And blind amazement prone, th' enlighten'd fe *The glorious ftranger hail T homfon Matter whereof creatures are produced, hath clofenefs, lentor, and feguacity. Bacon's Nat. Hift If black fcandal or foul-fac'd reproac Attend the fequel of your impofition . ¥our meer enforcement fhall acquittance me but he wa . poor: but was he not alfo fuccefsful2 True, but fill he was poor: grant this; and you cannot kee off that unavoidable fegue/ in the next verfe, th poor man's wifdom is defpifed Svuth moon but onc thing ceafe a th fu fail, or fwerve o To SeQuElsPrRATE 2. 7 to feparage th In general-contagions and wh neceflarie doth not eafily conceive that the feque/ thereo would be ruin both to itfelf and whatfoever dependeth on it In thefe he put two weights The fequel each of parting and of fight 3. Confequenc nefs Milton How art thou a king But by fair, fequence and fucceffion 2 Series ; arrangement and feries of the feafops of the year Bacon's Natural Hy}or_y trial be mine own confeflion JImmediate fentence then Is all the grace 1 beg and feguent death _Shakefp. Meaf. for WMeaf There he dies, and leaves his rac Growing into a nation; and now grow Sufpeéted to a feguent king, who feek To ftop- their overgrowth, Milten's, Paradife Loft 2. Confequential Talks in a high romantick ftrain - Qr whether he at laft defcend To like with lefs feraphick ends Se'rapuim #. / Suwif [This'is properlythe 4 Ifaiah, via Milta i 1 . " i a r E o d m C p e a S l n g u Vitious Ere this diurnal fta Shak. Hen. V Before whofe glory I was great in arms "This loathfome fegucftration have 1 had Shake[peare's Henry VI If there be a fingle fpot in the chc more barren, the reftor or vicar may be obliged, by th caprice or pique of the bifhop, to build upon it under painwof fegueffration to pleafe her fivai 10 1‘ 11 n m f r f e t m t w m Refle€te k to e d h e t r t o f They fere woo ; o o g t i f o f r f n And feeds of lat 4- Deprivatioo n the ufe and profits of Whether the nymph 1li-fac'd, worfe bodied, fhapelefs every where On a fere branclh, m fa bank th t bendin Lo s.Rg{aICthtfl'i Roav fill an Mufin There muft be leifure, retirement, folitude, an pofleflion *Tis to the world a fecret yet n e d e t g hi v w h h i . h . l c Leav Since Henry Monmouth firft began to reign i. Following; fucgeeding Let m difeafe 3. State of being fet afide Se'QUENT. ad). [ feguens, Latin. refired from fenfuality The mufes, that were wont green bays to Wea Now bringen bitter elder-branchfeesre. Spat He is deformed, crooked, old; and Jfere knov:]r_l wor thi [O SERE. 7. / u:%) fro excep nor etymology Swift éub? cotl i Ca {age, the meaning cu t Saxon Jbeers, from yeypan ‘The metals remain unfevered, the fire only di- viding the body into fmaller particles, hindering reft and continuity, without any [equefiration of elementary principles Boyle The caufe proceedeth from a precedent feguence . withered; no longer green. See SEA 2. Difunion; disjun&ion method Taghr ‘Ml)}t SERE. adj. [yeanan, Saxon, todry.] Dry a fegueftration of a man's felf from the noife of th world5 for truth fcorns to be feen by eyes muc fixt upon inferior objects South Sh.Rieh. 11 P;?, Love is curious of little things, defiring o b of angelical purity, of perfe innocence, and Jera Of feraphim another row Arbuthnot on Ai Amy retirement, any fequeftratio From open haunts and popularity SERA‘PHICAL. ) ad).[ feraphigueBr , fro Sera'PHICK. #f feraph. 1. Angelick ; angelical a live coal in his hand I never noted in him any ftudy I placd To thee cherubim and ferapbim continuallyd Common Prayer cry Then flew one of the ferapbims.unto me, havin His addiction was to courfes yain confequently muft infinitely exceed what our'na row underftandings can conceive of him, -vak orders 1. Separation ; retirement An elegant word but little ufed of th our language, feraphims is fometimess | ;1" written. | . Angels of one of the heavenl from Jequeftrate. W/-'i!gifl. of fucceflion malignit is from the moft contemptible part- f matter, an plural of Jeraph, and therefore cannot have s added ; .yet, in compliance with du;.f SEQUESTRATYON. 2. f. { fequefiration, Fr Se'QUENCE. 7 /. [from fequor, Lat. 1. Orde by th feéteft of all.created beings, thanfiegu;';tdfifu 2. Pure more perith for want o What feguel is there in this argument? A archdeacon is the chief deacon: ergo, he is onl a deacon tha from.the h _ phical fervaur Serapbick arms and trophies To fequefter they being fequeftrated from mankind Hooker inferred ; confequential in grief as in joy, as deations of greateft weight ufed when vien moft fea&ion Havker Hertfhorn, . and divers other bodies belongin to the animal kingdom, abound with a not uneafil Jequeftrable falt Boyle 2. Confequence ; event principa SEQUE'STRABLE. adj. [fiom fequefirare. 1. Subjeét to privation 2. Capable of feparation Shakefpeare's Richard 111 an what I thought pertiBacon. It was his taylor and his cook, hisifine fathion and his French ragouts, which fegueflsred him and, in a word, he came by his poverty as finfull as fome ufually do by their riches South Se'QuEL. 2. /. [ fequelle, Fr. fequela, Lat. 1. Conclufion ; fucceeding part his nature As the. rapt feraph that adores and burns 4. To {et afide from the ufe of the owne to that of others : as, his annuity is /equeftered to pay his creditors ¢ 5. To deprive of poffeflions Lat. o As full, as perfed, in vile man that mourn I had wholly feguefter'd my civil af A thing as feafonabl cent being added unt and folemnity, as bein quefler themfelves fro He isfinfimtely motre remote, in th rea excel enc 3. To withdraw; to fegregate matter being duétile and feguacious, and obedien to the hand and ftroke of the artificer, and apt t be drawn, formed, or moulded Ray Le Milton that all my foul pofiefs and converfation in books nent to this affair was eafy, th Sequa‘city. . /o [from fequax - Duéhlity ; tonghnefs fairs, yet I fet down, out of experience in bufinefs 2. Dugile ; pliant Yes ders of angels 2. To put afide ; to remove Althoug SE'RAPH. n. [ [ANW] Oneof gtOf Whofe raptures fire me, and whofe vifions blefs Bear me, oh bear me, to fequefter'd {cene Of bow'ry mazes, and furrounding greens. Pepe. But bright Cecilia rais'd the wonder higher " "When to her organ vocal breath was giv'n The gisloft iy tho A houfe of Womep k@pt There is a great deal more foljd found in a conftant courfe of wcl-]l 1i§?nten:h‘o'!' the voluptuoufnefs of a feraglio Shakefpe As you like it Pan or Sylvanus never flept Sequacious of the lyre ‘Was he not a2 man of wifdom pronunciation. for debauchery More facred and fequefter'd, though but feign'd And trees uprooted left their place the forg Oriental original In fhady bow' ¢« Orpheus could lead the favage race In the greater bodie «. a. [ fequefiver, Er Shakefpeare To the which place a poor fequefter'd ftag That front the hunter's aim had ta'en a hurt Ayliff Jegquefirators, and they have takcnoafllpf::xl:f::_ Sera'crro. m /- [Italian, Perh;;"flozf Why are you frgusfler'd from all your train be deferred and put oft for the debts of the perfo deceafed who takes from a manftlie'p oty o i i his poffeflions . Jfl,.?fh & am fallen into the hands of ~r Jecreftar, Spanifh ; fequeftro, low Latin. 1. To{eparate from others for the {ake o privacy Where we may royal [epulture prepare With fpeed to Melefinda bring relief Recal her fpirits, and moderate her grief.- Dryd . In England, fepuiture or burial of the dead ma '18‘"'? On Not in ufe 70 SEQUE'STER Browin ble tomb of her own [fro ftranger queen's, which accidentally mifcarried Shakefpeare burial Interment [fim"‘ 2 8equesTra'ToR the adjective. Here he hath framed a letter to a fequent of th 7. /i [ Jepulture, Fr. fepul Se'purLTURE 7 SE‘QuENT Difpared &reams fhall from their channels fly i Claw; talon Two efxg!es l f winds That mounted on th ng no riv ar bu extende Their ftroke h ever ove council Amidft th n thre an wings .thic Shook thei dcaflfi e the .cold fears " Their necks and cheeks tore wit r/= cir eag maet Cha nally d Jre Frade ire [/ / 2 SERENA'DE o f Italian ; whence Jferenus, Lat ni i f d e ef if tending: their miftr :N‘ 3 4% |